Class Contract

"Time will pass, will you?"-CAM Heggie-Hall

1. Students are expected to attend class daily. 3 abscences in a quarter equals a failing grade.

2. Students are expected to come to class on time daily. 3 latenesses equal a cut. 3 cuts equal an abscence.

3. Homework is due the next day for full credit. For each day late, you loose 5 points. Late homeworks are only accepted by the end of the week they are assigned.

4. Students are expected to participate in the class. Active participation leads to a good grade..

5. Do not talk while others are talking, you may miss important information.

6. Wash your hands immediately upon entering the classroom, regardless if food preparation is taking place.

7. Observe all Safety and Sanitation rules at all times.

8. Please do not be afraid to ask a question.

9. No food or food products are to be taken from the classroom without the teachers permission.

10. An apron or a chef's jacket must be worn at all times while preparing food.

11. Have fun!!!

 !    Concord HS Policy
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