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Inside Stories


Adolfo Carrion visits HLAS


Does Entertainment Cause Violence?


My City


September 11


The National Honor Society


Hostos Students Help


World Trade Center


The Power of Music




Adolfo Carrion visits HLAS

By: Yobanna Cruz

It was his first day off work and he decided to visit Hostos. It was his first school visit as the Bronx Borough President. Adolfo Carrion seemed to be very interested in helping education become better. Even with his fractured leg he gave a little speech. He said that he really thinks education should be studied more. He is planning to examine all the schools in the Bronx to see how they are doing and in what areas they need improvement. He also said that he went to school in the Bronx so he kind of knows how the system works.

 He wanted to visit our school because he had heard about it. Ms. Palmiotto and Ms. Sanacore told him everything about Hostos, and how it got started. They also gave him a tour around the school. Karojae Bryan, Muslima, and I presented him with a Hostos T shirt and a book bag with some goodies that the school gives the teachers. He was very impressed with our school and how everything is done. We can hope for support to continue our good work at Hostos and improve education.

Does Entertainment Cause Violence?

By: Shawn Herber

My opinion about movie, television, music and video game violence is that there is no problem with it. I�m personally sick and tired of people blaming the media for the acts of their children. Everybody has their own mind; it�s just that some people have no control over their children.

            Parents should take the time out to educate their kids on what�s wrong and what�s right. I understand that parents work and they can be tired but they should still teach them right from wrong. Some people have control over their children but the child still has problems, if that�s the case then the child and the parents should have a serious talk because maybe the child feels neglected, take the kid to counseling or send him to boot camp.

            Like Columbine shooting, they tried to blame it on Marilyn Manson. Although he does some crazy things, he doesn�t tell people to follow him. The kids that shot the people in the school were said to draw pictures and plot things out. When the parents saw some of the pictures after everything happened they were shocked and knew nothing about the twisted minds of their children. This means that the parents were not paying attention to their kids.

            Many rap artists say some violent crazy things about how they kill people and do bad things. But they all say it is not real, their life style does not consist of killing and robbing people, they just want to sell records.

            Yes music has some influence over people but not enough influence to make them kill. Rap and rock music is always picked on because of lyrics of hate. But music usually has a good influence because it gives people energy. Some people listen to music when they clean and it makes them feel good, for example when my mother listens to gospel music she feels like she could clean the whole house. So music can have a good influence but also a bad one. DMX can make you feel mad at the world because of the feelings he puts in his songs. He seems mad in every song; he speaks about his life growing up. He doesn�t go outside fighting everybody he just talks about it in his song because that is what people want to hear. Artists can say whatever they want because of their right to freedom of speech.


The Power of Music

By:Jennifer Tirado

Music has a huge affect on  people.  It influences their mind and controls their feelings.  Music can bring joy, laughter, or sadness.  It also motivates and inspires.  Music has power words, which give strength and understanding. 

This can relate to tragedy of September 11th.  After a few days have passed and President George Bush came to "Ground Zero" for the first time all the volunteers (heroes) gathered around him while making his encouraging speech.  As he was ending it, the President and the heroes started to sing "God Bless America".  At that time everyone watching at home and everyone in the area felt comfort, strength and motivation to keep on with their liver.  The songs gave a patriotic feeling and we saw America flags hanging proud all around New York.  Music is a great medicine for people in difficult situations like the September 11th event, with "God Bless America", "I' am Proud to Be an American", the "Star Spangled Banner" sung by Whitney Houston and "Hero" by Henrique Iglesias and others.

Music Brings excitement, and relives people depends on the music.  The way it influences people depends on the music.  Rap songs can make people be aggressive because of the powerful words.  Rhythm and blues or popular music makes people mellow.  Music is effective and powerful to eveyone.


Hostos Students Help                                          By: Gwendolyn Olivi

            On October 8, 2001 a group of 9 students� from Hostos Lincoln academy and Mrs. Palmiotto went to a youth volunteer program at the American Red Cross. I t was very cold and we had to stand in line for about 20-40 minutes waiting to get in.

            When we got inside we had to choose to volunteer for one of the following events: community outreach, health and safety services, emergency services, homeless service and special events. Community outreach volunteers become trained presenters of puppet shows designed to increase children knowledge and awareness of the importance of fire safety and prevention. Health and safety service volunteers become trained presenters to increase children�s knowledge and awareness of basic first aide and safety (BAT).

            Emergency service volunteers learn to provide mass care; logistical support and translation services on disaster relieve operations. Homeless service volunteers coordinate holiday program and birthday parties for children living at the American Red Cross transitional center. Special events volunteer organize and host dances during national youth service weeks and use the funds raised to support the book and toy drive.

            This volunteer work is good because it keeps teenagers out of trouble and off the streets. It helps the community to be safe and united. It is something to be proud of as well as a good thing to put on a college application.


My City

By: Meggan Lugo

�I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps,� like Sinatra said. My city, New York City, mainly, Bronx New York, where I was born and raised. Loud music, loud people, bright lights, horns honking, people screaming, tall buildings, all part of my city.

All though I do live in the lost borough, the Bronx, I spend most of my spare time in the greatest city there is, in my opinion, �Money Making Manhattan.� What is there not to love about New York City?

Many people�s hopes and dreams started there and many accomplished them. The crowded streets alone are homebound. The best part of this small, but wonderful city has to be Times Square, in my opinion.

You see Times Square on television everyday, mainly on MTV�s Total Request Live. Now that�s live television for you. You don�t know what someone is going to say or do one minute to the next. Just this little part of the city can make all bad assumptions of the city either diminish or more real. Times Square is definitely one part of the city that you can go for whatever you want, a c.d., to see a movie, or just to hang out with your friends.

It can also take one who grew up there, back in time, maybe to even their childhood. There are so many diverse people and so much culture, it�s hard not to be open minded in a city such as this. Where else would you go for a new year other than Times Square, right where the ball drops. Counting down with your loved ones, right in the heart of the city is of the best experience.

New York, New York, the best city on earth. Mini- Africa, Mini- Dominican Republic, Mini- Puerto Rico, Mini- Jamaica, Mini- India, Mini- China, Mini- World, right here in the heart of the city. Love, hate, envy, happiness, right here in the heart of the city.

Wounds healed, hearts broken, spirits healed, in the heart of the city. Times Square has to be the best part of New York City, MI Casa, (My home), New York, New York.



September 11

By Reina T. Taveras

A nations armor falling down

As a landmark collapsed

Never knowing how vulnerable we were

That was Until September 11.

A bright sunny Morning

Yet Pale somber September day

The innumerable loss of lives

Innocence lost, America left naked.

A hail of panic rained upon many

Fearing the end was near

Panic feeding the adrenaline

Pumping deep into the heart.

Who could have done this?

Why would they do this?

Don�t they know that life is precious

Life is beautiful

Life is something that cannot be placed

For our lives are borrowed and once gone

Can never be regained.

September 11 is a day to remember

The strength of our nation was deeply tested

Our towers may have crumpled down

But the American spirit was elevated.

A sea of red, white and blue

America�s colors so beautiful and true

Hanging on every doorstep, wore on

Most Americans

Decorating automobiles, I wonder how

The guilty party feels.

If the person who was behind these

Horrible acts

Tried to tear our country apart

They failed

For on September 11 a piece of our

Country died

But now it lives.

Lives for those who lost their lives

Lives to find justice

Lives to find a peaceful world

One we all can enjoy and live in


September 11 proved to the world that

As Americans

We stay strong

We fight hard

We never give up

The land of the free, the home of the Brave

As long as we know we are America

America will never die.

We always knew this and now the world


Especially the one who tried to kill



World Trade Center

By: Shawn Herbert

My reaction to the World Trade Tragedy is shocked.  I am shocked how somebody could think of such a horrific thing like taking planes and crashing them into buildings.  I had to be well drawn out and planned for a long time.  Osama Bin Ladin is very smart but he's using his intelligence for the wrong purpose.

When They catch Osama Bin Ladin I don't want them to kill him because to me death will be too kind.  He needs to suffer and terribly.  I think  they should put him in a poor jail that feeds him once a day, he should be in jail for life, and when he dies just dig a hole and drop him in it.  Perhaps they should crucify him but take down before he dies and do it again the next week.

I know it sounds cruel but that is what he deserves.  They say people are very creative with torture so when we catch, he should be tortured.  He is completely heartless and he deserves the worst, after he dies he should just burn in hell.


The New National Honor Society     By: Yobanna Cruz

Hostos Lincoln Academy has already selected the new members to be in the National Honor Society. The new students are Emmanuel Ansong, Jane Akhuetie, Yobanna Cruz, Karojae Bryan, Joel Infante Vargas, Sheneka Lewis, Lacole Gonzalez, and Patricia Rodriguez. This is a society which helps students develop character and they participate in many different services and projects. They participate in the community and promote leadership.

The faculty and the administration support is needed for the plans. In order to be eligible for the National Honor Society the students must be in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and have an average of 85 or above. Also they must meet high standards of leadership, service, and character.

Once selected as part of the National Honor Society they must participate in two or more community service or school activities. Students can also choose to be elected to an office which reflects their leadership.

The character component is composed of the students� behavior, integrity, ethics and cooperation with the students and faculty. Members must continue to demonstrate these qualities.

Mrs. Sanacore the coordinator of the N.H.S. mentioned some of the projects that they are planning to do. One school that they are planning is the

St. Jude� trivia contest. This contest is very similar to the show �Who Wants to Be a Millionaire� admission will be charged and the money will be given to St. Jude�s Hospital. Another project is to mentor younger students to be aware of prejudice and to be tolerant. They will also do something for the world trade victims.

N.H.S. student must do 40 hours of individual service per year. Some choices are being elected for office, helping a teacher, peer tutoring; running school charity drives, helping new students get familiar with the school, doing spirit activities, staff recognition activities, or hospital fund raisers.

Also it�s possible to do extra hours of internship, journalism, and yearbook. These services will give them good experience and a chance to prove their leadership and character.

The induction ceremony will take place in the spring. This is when the students develop their leadership, service, and character skills. It helps recognize achievements in school and promotes good citizenship. It also helps do positive things for the community, school, students, and teachers.