Teachers Bio

Julie Meador

Secretary, receptionist, security guard, waitress, meetings associate, librarian and executive assistant are some of the jobs that I had before becoming a teacher. Without a doubt, teaching has been the most challenging, the most time consuming and the most rewarding. Teaching has become my passion, my love, my avocation.

In 1986 I became licensed in a Social Studies and taught at large traditional high school in Manhattan for three years. In 1989 I was lucky enough to be selected for a position at this small alternative high school on the lower east side of Manhattan known as Satellite Academy. My teaching philosophy is that everyone can learn and it is the responsibility of the student and teacher to unlock the key to each person's unique learning style.

In this school I have been allowed to spread my wings by creating many different curricula for a myriad of courses. Also I have been able to work collaboratively with colleagues through team teaching. It has been empowering to be a part of a dedicated staff that shares the same vision for our students. It is a pleasure to work in an environment that encourages students to meet rigorous standards through inquiry learning. It is a nurturing atmosphere where we value inquisitiveness, diversity, respect, critical thinking and tolerance. When we are at our best, students respond with heartfelt appreciation, diligence and by earning a high school diploma.