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Top:/Computers & Internet/AntiVirus, Security, Privacy, Spam
Privacy, Spyware, Adware (12)
Spam: Unsolicited commercial email (17)
Virus and E-mail Hoaxes (7)
  • 7 Steps to Personal Computing Security - Follow these 7 steps to get secure and stay secure. Use each checklist to make a plan and take action to protect your computer and your personal privacy. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
  • AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) - A free replacement for Tripwire. It creates a database from the regular expression rules that it finds from the config file. Once this database is initialized it can be used to verify the integrity of the files. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
  • AVG Anti-Virus - Antivirus protection for personal computers, email servers, file servers. Free version available. ( Added: 2003-07-28, Hits: 0 )
  • Black Sun Tutorials - Networking and Network Security, Programming, IRC, Unix / Linux, Windows (95, 98, 2,000 and NT 4.0 and 5.0), Local Security, Encryption, Novell. Use with IE. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
  • Can Someone Read My E-Mail? - Worried about people reading your mail? That’s not an unreasonable fear... See some notes written on what you should -- and shouldn’t -- do about it. ( Added: 2003-02-09, Hits: 1 )
  • Center for Internet Security - A not-for-profit cooperative enterprise that helps organizations reduce the risk of business and e-commerce disruptions resulting from inadequate security configurations. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • Defensive Thinking - Company web site of famed hacker Kevin Mitnick. Training and expertise to help you stop information theft. ( Added: 2003-02-21, Hits: 1 )
  • ExtremeTech Syscheck - One-stop shopping for all the utilities and sites that can help you make your system or network as tight and secure as possible. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • HackerWatch.org - A community and collection point for Internet users to report and share information to block and catch hackers and other unwanted traffic. ( Added: 2003-08-19, Hits: 0 )
  • Information Security Magazine - Security news, insight, analysis. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) v1.0 - Analyze Windows systems for common security misconfigurations. Includes a graphical and command line interface that can perform local or remote scans of Windows systems. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 3 )
  • Microsoft Security - Security bulletins. Best practices to secure personal computers and network. Virus alerts. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • National Security Agency: Security Recommendation Guides - NSA has developed security configuration guidance for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Cisco routers, E-mail & Executable Content, with the cooperation of other government agencies and industry partners who provided their expertise and technical review. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
  • Nomad Mobile Research Centre (NMRC) - Hack FAQ, Advisories, Links, Reviews, In the News. ( Added: 2003-08-05, Hits: 0 )
  • Norton AntiVirus - Download the latest definition files. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 5 )
  • P2P, or not P2P? - Napster, Gnutella, IM and other peer-to-peer applications are the ""flavor of the week."" But if you're not careful, these programs could be used to undermine your network security. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )
  • Remote Security Tester - Check if your common TCP ports are open. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • Securing Windows - If you are running Windows on your PC, you need to be concerned about the safety of your computer for several reasons: Bugs, Intruders, Viruses, Violation of your privacy. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • Security Pipeline - News, Trends, Product Finder, How-To, Desktop, Network, Infrastructure, Policy & Privacy, Free Newsletters, Security Glossary. ( Added: 2003-08-19, Hits: 0 )
  • Security Scan - Sygate Technologies Security Scan. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • SecurityFocus - News, articles, forums, basics, links to tools, vulnerabilities, firewalls. ( Added: 2003-01-20, Hits: 2 )
  • Shavlik HFNetChk - Patch management and vulnerability assessment tools. Free version, LT, available. Push security updates to Microsoft Windows. ( Added: 2003-09-14, Hits: 0 )
  • ShieldsUp! - Can anyone crawl into your computer while you're connected to the Internet? Check the security of your computer's connection to the Internet using ShieldsUp!. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 10 )
  • Stay Safe Online - Security tips. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • SurfinGuard - Protects from new, unknown Internet threats by monitoring and containing the behavior of downloaded progams and active content. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 1 )
  • Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities - SANS/FBI Top Twenty list is valuable because the majority of successful attacks on computer systems via the Internet can be traced to exploitation of security flaws on this list. ( Added: 2002-12-27, Hits: 2 )