Mon 15th Sep 2003 04:10 [New links] [Updated links] [Top links] [Suggest a Category] [Suggest a Link] [Admin] [Top]
Newly added links
  • Shavlik HFNetChk - Patch management and vulnerability assessment tools. Free version, LT, available. Push security updates to Microsoft Windows. ( Added: 2003-09-14, Hits: 0 )
  • Michael Franti and Spearhead - Music and recordings of Michael Franti and Spearhead. Download MP3 audio files, check out the latest tour dates, and pursue social activism through music. ( Added: 2003-09-14, Hits: 0 )
  • Manage Grading Electronically with Excel - A seminar for faculty and teaching assistants who want to create and maintain a gradebook using Microsoft Excel. ( Added: 2003-09-12, Hits: 0 )
  • mail2web.com - View the mail waiting on your server. Does not capture or store any user information, unless a user decides to customize the application by registering. ( Added: 2003-09-07, Hits: 0 )
  • Nicenet - Internet Classroom Assistant. Free web-based learning environment for classrooms, distance learning programs and collaborative academic projects. Similar to Blackboard.com. ( Added: 2003-09-04, Hits: 0 )
  • Long Island Carnival - Hempstead Turnpike, Uniondale, NY. ( Added: 2003-09-02, Hits: 0 )
  • macosxlabs.org - Higher Education Mac OS X Lab Deployment Initiative. Our goal is to simplify the task of installing and maintaining Mac OS X in a computer lab. ( Added: 2003-08-28, Hits: 1 )
  • On One Wheel - Doing wheelies is one of the most frivolous and decadent activities known to man... Want to learn how? ( Added: 2003-08-27, Hits: 2 )
  • Francesco Music - Fr. Stan Fortuna CFR. Established the recording company to assist the poor and to evangelize Christ’s Word through his music. Contemporary Christian to Jazz, Folk, Reggae and Rap. ( Added: 2003-08-26, Hits: 0 )
  • Tenant Net - Focuses on New York City and New York State. Tenant News, Guides, Forum. ( Added: 2003-08-25, Hits: 0 )
  • Rocking the Boat - A boatbuilding and environmental education program based out of the southwest Bronx, New York City. ( Added: 2003-08-25, Hits: 0 )
  • HackerWatch.org - A community and collection point for Internet users to report and share information to block and catch hackers and other unwanted traffic. ( Added: 2003-08-19, Hits: 0 )
  • Security Pipeline - News, Trends, Product Finder, How-To, Desktop, Network, Infrastructure, Policy & Privacy, Free Newsletters, Security Glossary. ( Added: 2003-08-19, Hits: 0 )
  • No-IP.com - Free Dynamic DNS Service. ( Added: 2003-08-18, Hits: 1 )
  • AIX FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Frequently Asked Questions about AIX and the IBM RS/6000. ( Added: 2003-08-18, Hits: 0 )
  • Running Samba on the Mac OS X Server - How to set up SMB file and printer shares, enable client user access, and monitor activity. ( Added: 2003-08-17, Hits: 0 )
  • Evans Cooling System - Legal in major racing organizations: AMA, CCS. 100% inhibited Propylene Glycol. Non-toxic. ( Added: 2003-08-12, Hits: 0 )
  • CCS (Championship Cup Series) - National racing organization. ( Added: 2003-08-12, Hits: 0 )
  • Teaching Opportunity Program - The program provides stipends, education awards and special training to highly qualified baccalaureate program graduates seeking to pursue a career in teaching. ( Added: 2003-08-11, Hits: 1 )
  • NYC Teaching Fellows - As an alternate route to teaching, the Fellowship focuses on recruiting and training talented individuals who have no previous teaching experience or educational coursework. ( Added: 2003-08-11, Hits: 1 )