[ProgressiveEd] Report on Friday's NYS Senate Majority Task Force 4/4 Pub...

Linda Levy [email protected]
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 20:17:19 -0400

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I=B9m afraid I haven=B9t seen the evidence for Klein=B9s =B3flexibility and
thoughtfulness=B2 that Shael cites.  What I have seen is lip-service to what
the Chancellor thinks the progressive schools want to hear, and blind
commitment to judging all schools by their test scores.  My opinion is base=
not only on the actions he has taken publicly, but also on the opinions he
has expressed to me and others in our school (East Village Community School=
in e-mails and face-to-face conversations.
While I recognize the failure of the old system, I cannot say that the
=B3reforms=B2 have been positive for our school.  The truth is, we did
successfully fight the old bureaucracy =8B EVCS has been pursuing its
progressive objectives for 12 years.  In September, we will be required to
adopt a standard curriculum, something we were never required to do under
the community school board.  I=B9m not sure how this provides us with an
=B3opportunity to expand and deepen our work=B2.
Klein has admitted that he is trying to devise a system that will meet the
requirements of the Bush administration=B9s =B3No Child Left Behind.=B2
Regardless of whether or not he does this willingly, I think Victor=B9s point
about the Republican influence on our system is well-taken.
Or perhaps Klein believes that his goal should be to become =B3active
partners=B2 with an Administration that he feels has =B3shown flexibiity and
thoughtfulness=B2?  (sorry)
On 4/7/03 4:00 PM, "[email protected]" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> I want to publicly express my concern and dismay over the positions
> articulated by the speakers at the NYS Senate Majority Task force meeting=
> As the Principal of a small progressive high school in the Bronx, I would
> argue that Klein's re-organization and reform proposals represent the fir=
> attempt in thirty years to change the focus in New York's education burea=
> from political patronage and monitoring of schools to a system that focus=
> on instruction and has the capacity to support teaching and learning.
> Progressive small schools have fought this bureaucracy tooth and nail for
> years to carve out spaces where we could do meaningful work with kids in =
> of the larger system's goals and requirements.  I believe Klein's plan
> represents an opportunity to expand and deepen our work.  Our goal should=
> be to throw up road blocks to protect bureaucratic structures that never =
> the capacity to serve kids or support teachers.  Our goal should be to be=
> active partners in this process and help the larger community of educator=
> understand the depth and value of our work.
> Klein and his team have made mistakes but they have also shown a flexibil=
> and thoughtfulness that makes me believe we can work with them.
> Respectfully,
> Shael Suransky
> Principal, Bronx International High School

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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<TITLE>Re: [ProgressiveEd] Report on Friday's NYS Senate Majority Task Forc=
e 4/4 Pub...</TITLE>
<FONT FACE=3D"Verdana">I&#8217;m afraid I haven&#8217;t seen the evidence for=
 Klein&#8217;s &#8220;flexibility and thoughtfulness&#8221; that Shael cites=
. &nbsp;What I have seen is lip-service to what the Chancellor thinks the pr=
ogressive schools want to hear, and blind commitment to judging all schools =
by their test scores. &nbsp;My opinion is based not only on the actions he h=
as taken publicly, but also on the opinions he has expressed to me and other=
s in our school (East Village Community School) in e-mails and face-to-face =
While I recognize the failure of the old system, I cannot say that the &#82=
20;reforms&#8221; have been positive for our school. &nbsp;The truth is, we =
did successfully fight the old bureaucracy &#8212; EVCS has been pursuing it=
s progressive objectives for 12 years. &nbsp;In September, we will be requir=
ed to adopt a standard curriculum, something we were never required to do un=
der the community school board. &nbsp;I&#8217;m not sure how this provides u=
s with an &#8220;opportunity to expand and deepen our work&#8221;.<BR>
Klein has admitted that he is trying to devise a system that will meet the =
requirements of the Bush administration&#8217;s &#8220;No Child Left Behind.=
&#8221; &nbsp;Regardless of whether or not he does this willingly, I think V=
ictor&#8217;s point about the Republican influence on our system is well-tak=
Or perhaps Klein believes that his goal should be to become &#8220;active p=
artners&#8221; with an Administration that he feels has &#8220;shown flexibi=
ity and thoughtfulness&#8221;? &nbsp;(sorry)<BR>
On 4/7/03 4:00 PM, &quot;[email protected]&quot; &lt;[email protected]&gt; wrote:=
</FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=3D"2"><FONT FACE=3D"Arial"><TT>Dear Colleagues:<B=
I want to publicly express my concern and dismay over the positions articul=
ated by the speakers at the NYS Senate Majority Task force meeting. &nbsp;<B=
As the Principal of a small progressive high school in the Bronx, I would a=
rgue that Klein's re-organization and reform proposals represent the first a=
ttempt in thirty years to change the focus in New York's education bureacrac=
y from political patronage and monitoring of schools to a system that focuss=
es on instruction and has the capacity to support teaching and learning. &nb=
Progressive small schools have fought this bureaucracy tooth and nail for y=
ears to carve out spaces where we could do meaningful work with kids in spit=
e of the larger system's goals and requirements. &nbsp;I believe Klein's pla=
n represents an opportunity to expand and deepen our work. &nbsp;Our goal sh=
ould not be to throw up road blocks to protect bureaucratic structures that =
never had the capacity to serve kids or support teachers. &nbsp;Our goal sho=
uld be to become active partners in this process and help the larger communi=
ty of educators understand the depth and value of our work. <BR>
Klein and his team have made mistakes but they have also shown a flexibilit=
y and thoughtfulness that makes me believe we can work with them. &nbsp;<BR>
Shael Suransky<BR>
Principal, Bronx International High School<BR>