[ProgressiveEd] Fwd: Update on Feb 15 March & Rally

[email protected] [email protected]
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 22:30:29 EST

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Subject: Update on Feb 15 March & Rally
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Dear Friend of United for Peace & Justice:
The response throughout the country to our call for an anti-war march and rally in New York City on Feb. 15 has been enormous, and we are expecting a truly massive turnout. With scores of major peace mobilizations planned all around the globe for that day, Feb. 15 promises to be the single largest day of protest in world history.
We're writing to update you on the plans for Feb. 15 and let you know how you can support this historic event. We know rumors have been circulating about location and other matters. This is the official update on the march and rally.
(For information on the Feb. 16 anti-war march and rally in San Francisco, visit: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/calendar.php?calid=1138 )
To receive future updates on the Feb. 15 mobilization, including an email announcing the location as soon as it is available, sign up at http://unitedforpeace.org/email.php  We will also be posting new information as it becomes available at: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/feb15
The reason we have not yet been able to provide a location for this event is simple: With less than two weeks left before Feb. 15, the City of New York has still not granted our request for a permit to march and rally. We have another meeting with the police on Tuesday and remain optimistic that an agreement will be reached.
But we need your support. Please immediately contact the following officials and urge them to grant our request:
**NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg: 212-788-3040, 212-788-3210, and/or 212-788-9600
**NYC Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly: 646-610-8526
**NYPD Chief of Department Joseph Esposito: 646-610-6910
We also encourage you to contact media outlets about this situation. You may give them the Feb. 15 UFPJ office number for follow-up: 646-473-8935.
There are many other ways you can support the Feb. 15 anti-war mobilization.
1) Donate: We urgently need funds to pay for everything from printing leaflets to renting a sound system. You can make a secure online donation right now at: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/donate
2) Help spread the word about Feb. 15: Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested. We're encouraging everyone to do mass leafleting next weekend, Feb. 8-9. You can download and print Feb. 15 leaflets in English, Spanish, Korean, French, and Creole from our website at:
3) Volunteer on Feb. 15: We will needs lots and lots of volunteers to help with a range of tasks on the day of the march and rally. If you can help, please sign up by sending a blank email to:
[email protected]
Finally, we have just added many new features to our website including ride boards, housing boards, and a page where your organization can endorse the Feb. 15 mobilization. We also have assembled a large and inspiring collection of links to mobilizations throughout the world.
Thank you so much for your support. Together we can stop this war!
Leslie Cagan
Bill Fletcher
Andrea Buffa
Co-Chairs, United for Peace & Justice
(Please excuse duplicate mailings - we had a little bug in the process)
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