[ProgressiveEd] Fwd: Fwd: Invitation to a Meeting on 2/18

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:04:52 -0500

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From: [email protected]
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Subject: Fwd: Invitation to a Meeting on 2/18
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:34:42 -0500
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Subject: Invitation to a Meeting on 2/18
Date Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 6:10 PM
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
I was delighted to read about PENNY in last week's WestSide Spirit. The 
following is both an introduction and an invitation to you and others in
to attend a forthcoming meeting.  
I am a founding member of APRPE--Advocates for Public Representation in
Education.  Our group includes education advocates, parents, community school 
board members, community based organizers, and others concerned about the
of checks and balances in public school governance under Mayoral control.
We founded APRPE late last summer in anticipation of State Task Force
on school governance and emerging legislation.  The lack of checks and
in school governance is playing out in a number of unfortunate ways,
the imposition of a universal curriculum and the centralized assignement of 
children to schools and programs deemed underenrolled.
APRPE has extended an invitation to a number of education groups to join
us on 
February 18 to discuss closer collaboration on issues of mutual concern.  I 
would appreciate it if you would consider this invitation yourself and/or 
extend it to others in your group.
We will be meeting at:
     6:30-8:30 on February 18
     Goddard Riverside Community Center (downstairs lounge at right front of 
the building)
    595 Columbus Avenue between 88th and 89th
Please give me or Larry Wood a call if you would like to talk to us.  
Carolyn Prager                
     212/921-4729 (Mon-Thurs. at work), otherwise 212/865-1780
Larry Wood 
     212/873-6600 X204 at Goddard Riverside
Carolyn Prager
175 West 93rd Street, #16J
New York, NY 10025
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