[ProgressiveEd] Checking In

[email protected] [email protected]
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:11:04 EST

Dear folks,
Please let me know what is happening in your school.
•Did your waiver go in?
•Do you have parent petitions in support of your school?
•What are you planning for Parent-Teacher Conferences (or Family Conferences) 
to update your parents and to create activity in support of your school?
•Are you planning to have people from your school speak at the March 18 
regional meeting for regions 9 and 10?
•Are your parents and other friends sending emails to the various people in 
support of your waiver application?
•DId you use the PENNY cover letter with your application request?
•Are you a part of a network now, or would you like to be part of a network 
(and with which schools)?
•What other things do you want PENNY to do that would help you in your school?
I really do hope to hear from every school.  The next steering committee 
meeting of PENNY is Tuesday evening, March 11 (at 6:30 at Ann Wiener's 
house).  Please let me know if you're coming and if you need information 
about the meeting.
PENNY's next large meeting is March 19 at City College beginning at 6:30.
Our citywide demonstration is scheduled for March 25 but may be switched 
because that's the same day buses are going to Albany.  We'll let you know 
right after the steering committee.  Thanks for everything.  
Bruce Kanze