[ProgressiveEd] Fwd: Insideschools Emergency Alert

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 14:42:53 EST

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Insideschools Quick Alert- March 14, 2003
No Child Left Behind/ Transferring Children from Failing Schools
Letters were sent out this week about parent's rights to transfer their children from low performing schools under the "No Child Left Behind Act."  The City's Department of Education set a very fast deadline for parents to respond by March 31 (Go to the DOE's web site which has more information: http://www.nycenet.edu/nclb/PSChoice.asp#letters )
The City Council Education Committee will be holding an information session for parents this Monday, March 17th from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building (2nd Floor Art Gallery), 163 West 125th Street.  You can call 212-788-7344 or email [email protected] for more information.  
Insideschools.org is a project of Advocates for Children of New York (www.advocatesforchildren.org). If you got this alert from someone else and would like to sign up yourself go here http://insideschools.org/view/common/email_form.  To unsubscribe, go here http://www.insideschools.org/unsubscribe.jsp.
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<small><font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><b><a   href="http://www.insideschools.org">Insideschools</a> Quick Alert- March
14, 2003</b><br>
No Child Left Behind/ Transferring Children from Failing Schools</b><br>
Letters were sent out this week about parent's rights to transfer their children
from low performing schools under the "No Child Left Behind Act." &nbsp;The
City's Department of Education set a very fast deadline for parents to respond,
March 31 (<a href="http://www.nycenet.edu/nclb/PSChoice.asp#letters">Click
here for the DOE's web site which has more information</a>.)<br>
The City Council Education Committee will be holding an information session
for parents this Monday, March 17th from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Adam Clayton
Powell State Office Building (2nd Floor Art Gallery), 163 West 125th Street.
&nbsp;You can call 212-788-7344 or email [email protected] for more
information. &nbsp;<br>
<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><i> I<small>nsideschools.org  is
a project of <a href="http://www.advocatesforchildren.org">Advocates for
 Children of New    York</a>. If you got this alert from someone else and
would like to sign    up yourself <a   href="http://insideschools.org/view/common/email_form">click    here</a>.&nbsp; 
 To unsubscribe, <a href="http://www.insideschools.org/unsubscribe.jsp">click 