[ProgressiveEd] Re: Demonstration

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 13:26:58 EST

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Hi Bruce, 
Congratulations on getting the meeting set up with Klein and Cahill.  It 
would seem that they have met the key request laid out in the letter you sent 
 announcing the demonstration. 
I agree with Jane that the demonstration should therefore have a different 
focus. I  Perhaps it would be worth postponing the demonstration and putting 
our energy into organizing a progressive school exhibition or conference one 
afternoon or weekend at Tweed where students, teachers and parents could 
share their work with eachother and with folks from the DOE and maybe other 
schools as well.   This would serve as away to demonstrate our strengths and 
strengthen our connection with each other.
-Shael Suransky
Bronx International High School
Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Hi Bruce, <BR>
Congratulations on getting the meeting set up with Klein and Cahill.&nbsp; I=
t would seem that they have met the key request laid out in the letter you s=
ent&nbsp; announcing the demonstration. <BR>
I agree with Jane that the demonstration should therefore have a different f=
ocus. I&nbsp; Perhaps it would be worth postponing the demonstration and put=
ting our energy into organizing a progressive school exhibition or conferenc=
e one afternoon or weekend at Tweed where students, teachers and parents cou=
ld share their work with eachother and with folks from the DOE and maybe oth=
er schools as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; This would serve as away to demonstrate our=20=
strengths and strengthen our connection with each other.<BR>
-Shael Suransky<BR>
Bronx International High School</FONT></HTML>