[ProgressiveEd] PENNY membership

[email protected] [email protected]
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:18:53 EST

Dear folks,
Carol Barton has suggested that we compile a list of schools that "belong" to 
the PENNY network.  That's a great idea.  We have a list of everyone who has 
signed in at our general meetings and the schools they come from.  We will 
compile a list from those lists, but there's no guarantee that the schools 
people come from have chosen to be participants in PENNY.  In order to 
confirm, I'd like to hear from someone in a position to make that commitment 
from each school.  Could you please reply to this email with confirmation 
that your school wants to be included on a list as a member of PENNY?  Thank 
you.  Bruce Kanze