[ProgressiveEd] Action Needed

[email protected] [email protected]
Wed, 7 May 2003 10:53:52 EDT

Dear friends,
This is an update that requires an active response, wherever there are 
resources.  The instructional superintendents have been chosen by regional 
superintendents.  Each regional superintendent should have a list.  Some 
superintendents have provided principals in their region with this list.  
Some haven't.  Certainly, now would be the best time for us to lobby for the 
instructional leader we feel best understands our ways of building community.
Regional superintendents have also made up lists of networks of schools in 
their region.  These lists won't be made public until May 22.  In the 
meantime, they're being circulated in a number of places.  They're being 
shown to local politicians for their approval.  (This was part of an 
arrangement to get politicians to back off from their pressure to reverse 
some of the changes the Department of Ed and mayor have made.  Most likely, 
the politicians are state representatives.  I checked with Robert Jackson's 
office; they hadn't heard anything yet.)  We need to get to politicians right 
away.  We need to tell them which schools we want to be networked with and 
with which instructional leaders.  And, then, we need to build whatever 
additional pressure we can in order to get support for networks of 
progressive schools that will work together.
I'd like to hear from you.  What can you do to follow up?  Please use the 
listserv so that we'll all know. Let's hear any of the arguments you're 
presenting to win support for your network.  Thank you.
Bruce Kanze