[ProgressiveEd] Fwd: two very big pieces of news on the class size front!

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu, 15 May 2003 13:52:39 EDT

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From: "Leonie Haimson" <[email protected]>
To: "Leonie Haimson" <[email protected]>
Subject: two very big pieces of news on the class size front!
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 11:28:42 -0400
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Yesterday, the Governor vetoed 119 separate parts of the Legislature's budge=
t, including $700 million for education, as well as all of the revenue measu=
res put forward to fund this.  (http://www.newsday.com/news/local/state/ny-s=
tbudg153284982may15,0,1807452.story?coll=3Dny-statenews-headlines)  Today, t=
he Legislature is beginning to hold votes to override these vetos; they hope=
 to have the full 2/3 votes needed to do so. If successful, it will be the f=
irst time in over 20 years that the NY Legislature has overriden a Governor'=
s budget veto.=20
At his press conference yesterday, Pataki suggested that even if they do man=
age to override, he may sue to block their budget as unconstitutional, or si=
mply refuse to spend the money appropriated.  Meanwhile, a new Marist poll s=
hows his popularity at the lowest level ever.  (http://www.newsday.com/news/=
nal-wire ; for the full poll results, see http://www.maristpoll.marist.edu/n=
Only 37% of voters approve of his performance, and a mere 4% say he's doing=20=
an excellent job; 56% wanted him to sign the budget approved by the state Le=
gislature.  So why is he acting against the wishes and interests of most New=
 Yorkers?  The speculation, again, he is looking for approval from Washingto=
n DC rather than his own constituents. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/15/nyr=
If you haven't already, or even if you have, please call your state Legislat=
ors today and tell them you support their effort to raise taxes so that your=
 child's education won't be hugely cut back next fall. You should also ask t=
hem to override the Governor's probable veto of the revenue package for NYC,=
 which we will need in order to prevent more terrible cuts to our schools he=
re. Finally, you can call the Governor's office to let him know how much you=
 disapprove of his actions and threats.  I just called the Governor's office=
 myself, and it felt surprisingly satisfying. =20
And it won't cost you a penny!  Citizen's Action has a toll free line to the=
 Governor and/or the Legislature, at 1-877-255-9417.  (For information on ho=
w to identify your legislators, just go to http://www.classsizematters.org/w=
In other exciting news, a coalition of NYC parents, advocates, and teachers=20=
has begun to plan a new effort to to put class size limits for all grades in=
to the City Charter.  Our plans are still in their initial stages, but Randi=
 Weingarten announced the proposal at the UFT spring conference last weekend=
.  http://www.nynewsday.com/news/local/wire/ny-bc-ny--educationchalleng0510m=
ay10.story =20
Our first hurdle will be to get the signatures of at least 45,000  voters by=
 July 5, to trigger the formation of a new Charter Revision Commission that=20=
would meet to consider this.  If our plan is successful, a  proposition to r=
educe class size in all grades would be put before the voters in the fall of=
 2004, just in time for the Presidential elections. =20
This is the most exciting idea that has ever been proposed for those of us w=
ho believe that reducing class size is the most important and effective way=20=
to improve our schools.  If we are successful, it will mean that we will no=20=
longer have to fight defense, year after year, so that class sizes don't inc=
rease, and our schools don't get even worse.  It would also mean that our ch=
ildren would get something near the level of education provided by elite pri=
vate schools and public schools in the wealthier suburbs.  But we will need=20=
all of your cooperation to pull this off, including volunteers to help us ga=
ther at least 45,000 signatures of registered NYC voters by July 5.
Please start right away by talking to other parents at your school about how=
 you could set up tables to collect signatures.  We will need every active a=
nd committed parent in the city, over the month of  June, to help out.
Soon, I hope to have available copies of the petition that can be downloaded=
 off my website, along with full instructions on how to collect legally veri=
fiable signatures.
Thanks so much -- and I'll let you know more news on all of these fronts as=20=
soon as it becomes available.  And please forward this message to others who=
Leonie Haimson
Class Size Matters
124 Waverly Pl.
New York, NY 10011
[email protected]
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Yesterday, the Governor vetoed 119 separate=
of the Legislature's budget, including&nbsp;$700 million&nbsp;for education,=
well as&nbsp;all of the revenue measures put forward&nbsp;to=20
fund&nbsp;this.&nbsp; (<A   href=3D"http://www.newsday.com/news/local/state/=
</FONT><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Today, the Legislature is beginning to ho=
ld votes=20
to override these vetos; they hope to have the full 2/3 votes needed to do=20
so.&nbsp;If successful, it will be the first time in over 20 years that the=20=
Legislature has overriden a Governor's budget veto. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>At&nbsp;his press conference yesterday, Pat=
suggested that even if they do manage to override, he may sue to block their=
budget as unconstitutional, or simply refuse to spend the money=20
appropriated.&nbsp; Meanwhile, a new Marist poll shows his popularity at the=
lowest level ever.&nbsp; (<A   href=3D"http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wir=
; for the full poll results, see <A   href=3D"http://www.maristpoll.marist.e=
.pdf</A>)</FONT></DIV><FONT   face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV><BR>Only 37% of voters approve of his performance, and a mere&nbsp;4% s=
he's doing an excellent job; 56% wanted him to sign the budget approved by t=
state Legislature. &nbsp;So why is he acting against the wishes and interest=
s of=20
most New Yorkers?&nbsp; The speculation, again, he is looking for approval f=
Washington DC rather than his own constituents. <A   href=3D"http://www.nyti=
<DIV><BR><STRONG>If you haven't already, or even if you have, please call yo=
state Legislators today and tell them you support their&nbsp;effort to raise=
taxes&nbsp;so that&nbsp;your child's education won't be hugely cut back next=
fall.</STRONG>&nbsp;You should also ask them to override the Governor's prob=
veto of the revenue package for NYC, which we will need in order to prevent=20=
terrible cuts to our schools here. Finally, you can&nbsp;call the Governor's=
office to let him know&nbsp;how much you disapprove of his actions and=20
threats.&nbsp; I just called the Governor's office&nbsp;myself, and it felt=20
surprisingly satisfying.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>And it won't cost you a penny!&nbsp; Citizen's Action has a toll free l=
to the Governor and/or the Legislature,&nbsp;at 1-877-255-9417.&nbsp; (For=20
information on how to identify&nbsp;your legislators, just go to <A   href=3D=
"http://www.classsizematters.org/whatyoucando.html"><FONT   face=3DArial>htt=
<DIV><EM><STRONG><FONT size=3D4><FONT size=3D3>In other exciting news, a coa=
of NYC parents, advocates, and teachers has begun to plan a new&nbsp;effort=20=
to&nbsp;put class size limits for&nbsp;all grades into the City=20
Charter</FONT>.</FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;</EM>Our plans are still in=20
their&nbsp;initial stages, but Randi Weingarten announced the&nbsp;proposal=20=
the UFT spring conference last weekend.&nbsp; <A   href=3D"http://www.nynews=
<DIV>Our&nbsp;first hurdle will be to get the signatures of at least=20
45,000&nbsp; voters by July 5, to trigger the formation of a new Charter=20
Revision Commission that would&nbsp;meet to consider this.&nbsp; If our plan=
successful, a&nbsp; proposition to reduce class size in all grades would&nbs=
put before the voters in the fall of 2004, just in time for the Presidential=
elections.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV><STRONG><EM>This is the most exciting idea that has ever been proposed=20=
those of us who believe that reducing class size is the most important and=20
effective way to improve our schools.&nbsp;</EM></STRONG> If we are successf=
it will mean that we will no longer have to fight&nbsp;defense, year after=20
year,&nbsp;so that class sizes don't increase, and our schools don't get eve=
worse.&nbsp; It would also mean that our&nbsp;children would get something n=
the&nbsp;level of education&nbsp;provided by elite private schools and publi=
schools in the wealthier suburbs.&nbsp; <STRONG>But we will need all of=20
your&nbsp;cooperation to pull this off, including&nbsp;volunteers to help=20
us&nbsp;gather at least 45,000 signatures of registered NYC voters&nbsp;by J=
<DIV><STRONG><EM>Please start right away by talking to other parents at your=
school about how you&nbsp;could set up tables&nbsp;to collect=20
signatures</EM></STRONG>.&nbsp; We will need every active and committed pare=
in the city,&nbsp;over the month of &nbsp;June, to help out.</DIV>
<DIV>Soon, I hope to have available copies of the petition that can be=20
downloaded off my website, along with full instructions on how to collect=20
legally verifiable signatures.</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>Thanks so much --</STRONG> and I'll let you know more news on a=
of these fronts as soon as it becomes available<STRONG>.&nbsp; And please=20
forward this message to others who care!</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>Leonie Haimson<BR>Class Size Matters<BR>124 Waverly Pl.<BR>New York, NY=
10011<BR>212-674-7320<BR><A   href=3D"mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]<=
/A><BR><A   href=3D"http://www.classsizematters.org">www.classsizematters.or=