Let's Get Our Identity Web Sites On-line!

You should have the following pages in your identity folder:

(1) idhome -- This is the page that opens your frames.   On the left we should see your...

(2) contents page, and on the right we should see your...

(3) welcome page. The welcome page should contain a photograph of you and a story about your name.

(4) swampy -- This should contain your Swampy Cree Naming Poem.  There should be a link on the contents page.

(5) biopoem -- This should contain your Bio-poem. There should be a link on the contents page.

(6) wherefrom -- This should contain your Where I'm From poem. There should be a link on the contents page.

(7) pledge -- This should contain your writing about making pledges. There should be a link on the contents page.

(8) savelife -- This should contain your writing about "something that saved or saves my life." There should be a link on the contents page.

(9) immigrant -- This should contain the writing you did connecting a painting by Edward Hopper and your immigration experiences. There should be a link on the contents page.

(10) memoir -- This should contain the final draft of your Identity Memoir. This page should contain another photograph or image. There should be a link on the contents page.

Your contents page should also contain a link to an MP3 (music) file. You need to choose a piece of music that best represents how you feel about yourself.

Each page should also contain a link to the assignment that is on the ihs-panyc.org Web page.

When will we be doing this work?

1. Wednesday, November 8
  • Copy Identity Memoir from Word, paste it onto a new page in FrontPage, and save it in your Identity folder on the hard drive (H:).
  • Begin scanning images for your welcome page and your memoir page. Insert these images, using FrontPage.
  • Print all completed pages.
2. Tuesday/Wednesday, November 14/15
  • Proof-read and make corrections on all text.
  • More scanning.
  • Decorate pages with colorful backgrounds and other items.
  • Print all completed pages.
3. Thursday, November 16
  • Finish scanning.
  • Begin recording CD's and linking contents page to these MP3 files.
  • Continue proof-reading.
  • Begin uploading files using an FTP program.
  • Print all completed pages.
4. Tuesday/Wednesday, November 21/22
  • Finish recording CD's and linking contents pages to these MP3 files.
  • Check and fix links.  Be sure to link all work to the assignments on the ihs-panyc.org web page.
  • Continue uploading files using an FTP program.
  • Print all completed pages.
5. Tuesday/Wednesday, November 28/29
  • Final proof-reading, checking of links, revising.
  • Finish uploading files using an FTP program.
6. Thursday, November 30

Exhibition of Identity Web Pages

Created by Paul Allison [email protected] Last updated: November 7, 2000.