Hi! My name is Jack. I love to read horror books. I am an IHS student and I am in the   10th grade. I am Polish. I am 1 year in United States. When I am not at school I like to play   basketball. The book I am recomending is about doctor who tries to make human but he make monster.                      

Title: Frankenstein

Author: Mary Shalley
             adapted by Larry Weinberg

Genre: Horror

IBSN#: 0-394-84827-6

Edition: A Stepping Stone Book Classic

                 Here is my passage from the book... hope you like it.

    "  ... No, he will fall down on his knees and howl with sadness. For I am his father. I am the one who gave him life. And the only one who could ever have loved him." ( page 94 )

Who would like this book?????

        This book is for everyone, not for only fiction and drama lovers, but for every person who wants to find out about people's behavior in extreme  situations, humans nature, feelings and desires. This book has all that and that's why it is so universal and famous.


reading level: easy

# of pages: 94

# of words per page: 110



By Jack K., last updated 6/11/2001