my family...............................
I thanks God, because I have a wonderful family and I can not say that my family it’s weird because it’s not I feel good in this new family that I have , they areso nice, we are now six members and we are a happy family,(off course with some little problems like every family) and all above united, if somebody need a advise my parents are good in that and if you need to be happy you most call to my little brother and sisters.This is all different to my pass in Ecuador .I don’t use to have a family, because I use to live with my simbblings, this is boring , I know , when I start to talk about my pass I get boring too, so it’s not big dealand that's why sometimes I get lost when I start to tell my story and I use to go back to remember all that I wrote about my scare times.But as I say it before in my pass were people who really were real for me this were my friends I would you to read about it.

They are my parents.

He is my little brother Brandon.


They are my aunt and ancle in their wedding........

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this is a necklacethat my mom gave to me when i was 8 years old.

She is my sister Pamela.

She is my sister Claudia