Words to describe me . . .   pracowita ,a zarazem leniwa, mila, kolezenska, pamietliwa, pomocna, krzykliwa, czasami wrrredna :), dobra kumpela (tak mowia :), upata, stanowcza, dosc czesto bezwzgledna :)) >>> niezle ziolko hehe


My hobbies

        The first word to describe myself was hardworking. I was one of the best students in class, also in school. Always in last day of school I got an award for my study, and also my parents always gave me something expensive, like. Many times my friends asked me for some help. I also was friendly. In Poland I had a lot of true friends. Always when somebody had a problem we could talk and help to us.

Now everyday we’re sending minimum five e-mails a day. The third word that describes me was loud. Always at school, at home or outside I screamed. Always I was saying everything loud, and many times when I was at home and I saw my friends outside I called them very loud and we were talking like that.



My school from Poland!

Click on this picture to see differences between my schools!!!