Rubric for Final Project

This rubric will determine how your grade for this project will be calculated. Pay attention to the details contained in each box for each component. When you're done with your project, refer to this rubric and you and your partner(s) should ask yourselves if it meets the following criteria. Remember, this is a guide. Anything above and beyond what is expected will be duelly rewarded.

Web Site
  • Accessability - Page is linked from each team members' site
  • Each team members' name is visible on top of page.
  • Title of the project is visible and stands out.
  • Content - Page is informative and creates awareness by means of educating public in the form of:

  • Providing statistics

  • Provides three related links to outside sources related to the topic
  • Gets close by providing one or more of the following
  • Personal stories
  • Interviews
  • Response Forms
  • All other components are linked to the page.
  • Aesthetics- Poster is original and creative in its use of images and color.
  • Persuasive -Expresses the problem.
  • Provides a solution.
  • Created in PhotoShop .
  • Contains a slogan or tag line
  • .
  • Combines text and images
  • Created in PowerPoint or some other multimedia tool
  • Length - At least 4-6 slides
  • Aesthetics - Powerful images that are relevant and appropriate to the nature of the topic.
  • Combines text and images well.
  • Created in storyboard format.
  • Must be linked to the web page.
  • Gets close to the issue by providing one or more of the following:
  • Surveys
  • Personal stories
  • Interviews
  • All team members are present and on-time during assessment day
  • All components are accessable the day of presentation
  • Each team members speaks with accurate knowledge about the process and the topic.
  • Presentation must be at least ten minutes in length.
60 points 10 points 15 points 15 points