Rubric for Midwinter Project

This rubric will determine how your grade for this project will be calculated. Pay attention to the details contained in each box for each component. When you're done with your project, refer to this rubric and you should ask yourselves if it meets the following criteria. Remember, this is a guide. Anything above and beyond what is expected will be duelly rewarded.

Home Page
Own Category
  • Accessability - Page links to each of your sites
  • Table is centered and properly formatted
  • There is an accompanying photo that is centered
  • Indicates understanding of how to do background colors (has different colors than ones I provided)
  • Aesthetics- Page is original and creative in its use of images and color.
  • Informative - Has text that is meaningful.
  • Has images that are meaningful to you.
  • Is well organized.
  • Links back to home page.
  • .
  • Lists - uses proper formatting for lists
  • Has at least three working links to outside pages
  • Links back to home page.
  • Clear what/who site is about
  • Is well designed
  • Has images
  • Has text that you wrote.
  • Links back to home page
  • Has images that mean something to you
  • Have own photos
  • At least one image has text explaining why its important to you
  • Links back to home page
20 points 30 points 10 points 30 points 10 points