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Senior Institute Schedule

Written by Erik Shold on 06-01-2004

Here is the SI schedule for the first week of June:

Tuesday (6/1)

9-10 A

10-11 B

11-12 C

12-1250 Lunch

1250-150 D

150-315 Advisory Workshop

Wednesday (6/2)

9-10 D

10-11 C

11-12 B

12-1250 Lunch

1250-150 A

150-300 Elective

Thursday (6/3)

9-10 A

10-11 B

11-12 C

12-1250 Lunch

1250-215 Workshop

215-315 D

Friday (6/4)

9-930 D

930-10 C

10-1030 B

1030-11 A

11-1130 Advisory

1130-1215 Lunch

1215 JI Grad Committees

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