220 West 58th Street New York, N.Y. 10019 Tel.(212)247-3414 Fax:(212)247-3602 Wednesday Aug 11 9:33 pm

J.I. Field Day a Real Humdinger

Written by Chris Mott on 06-16-2004

The entire Junior Institute (9th and 10th grades) spent a field day in Riverside Park at 72nd Street today, 6/15. Students competed in a tug-o-war, an egg toss, they struggled to build human pyramids, played strange games like Zip-zap and Huggy Bear, and competed in a huge inter-advisory basketball tournament (Theo's advisory won it all, congratulations). Oh yeah, and there were skateboards to ride also. Click here to see pictures from the day.

TO ALL STUDENTS: have a great but safe summer, treat everyone you meet like you'd like to be treated yourself, and enjoy a little time away from your favorite place - Landmark High School.

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