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Big Changes = Progress

Written by Siu on 08-16-2002

The new school year is quickly coming upon us and there are a few changes for the coming year.

First and foremost; we have a new principal. Paul has

gone on to greyer pastures and Vivian has stepped in to lead Landmark

High School to new and exciting times.

For returning students in the 10th grade, you all know that the biggest and

most drastic change will be the combining of 9th and 10th grade Advisories and classes. This will allow the bonds and relationships built between students and teachers to stretch over a longer period of time, enabling the Landmark staff to be more helpful to students and their families. The creation of the "Junior Institute" will also allow our older

students to become leaders and mentor the incoming students. This has been the basis of success at Landmark High School for many years in the Senior Institute and we expect the maturity and insight of our 10th graders to blossom this coming year.

Another exciting change will be the creation of wireless networks

within the class rooms. No more sneaking into the 7th floor lab or having Siu lock you out of his room. Theorectically, Apple iBooks will be brought into the classrooms and students can individually type their work, completemultimedia projects or even surf the web for the origins of


Of course, these changes raise many questions concerning curriculum and how it affects portfolios and even the state Regents exams. Our advisor's will answer student questions in Advisories during the first

week of school and we will have an open house for parents in early


As always, you can always stop by the building or call your Advisor.The first day of school is Thursday September 5th. Each student will

get a call from their Advisor who will provide specific information

concerning the first day. We will keep you posted.

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