LESP Awarded SIFE Grant From New York City
By Ms. Martha Polin, Principal

Lower East Side Preparatory High School was awarded nearly $95,000 to enrich and engage both ESL (English as Second Language) students and students with interrupted education (SIFE).  Barbara Tepper, LESP librarian, headed the grant-writing team. SIFE, which means Students with Interrupted Formal Education, is funding from the city to help ELL (English  Language Learners) students catch up. This is the first time this grant has been awarded.
Classes will be held Tuesday thru Friday, following extended day and pm school, as well as sessions on Saturday.  If your child needs some specialized instruction to catch up, this funding from the city for small class instruction and reduced class size, can help bridge the gap between students, who for some reason, were out of school for an extended period of time, as well as ESL students who need to pass the English Language Arts Regents.  Please encourage your child to attend these enrichment classes
to improve reading, writing, speaking and comprehension. 

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