Manhattan International High School Logo Manhattan International High School
Graduation Requirements


Normally a Manhattan International High School student will start his high school career in the Civilization Cluster. If progress is satisfactory the student will proceed to Level II clusters for two years.  In the final year, the student will be admitted to Senior Institute where he or she will begin to work with a mentor teacher on a graduation portfolio.  The student will also prepare for college admission.

In the senior year, the student will present and defend his or her portfolio before a panel of teachers, peers and other evaluators.  Beginning in 2001, seniors will -also be required to pass the ELA (English Language Regents) Examination in order to receive a diploma.

In sum, the requirements for graduation are:

          Receive a passing grade for all Clusters:

          Civilization or  Origins & Perspectives
                              Systems & Structures
                                        Equalities & Inequalities
                                                   Senior Institute
                              Pass 6 semesters of math
                              Successfully defend a Senior Graduation Portfolio
Pass the ELA (English Language Arts) Regents Exams*

* Students entering MIHS in September 2001 will have to pass all 5 Regents exams for graduation, unless the State Education Commissioner decides to renew the waiver.


Last updated 05/14/2002
Created by 
Pablo Zatz