Your final grade for this class will be calculated as follows:
25% First Marking Period
25% Second Marking Period
25% Third Marking Period
25% Final Project (DUE JUNE 14 -- no later)
        Project Assessment Rubrics

Your final project is a Webfolio containing your work and reflections on the work we will have covered this semester:

Assessment Rubrics

Max Points
Max Points
Max Points

Web Authoring
Overall aesthetic & functionality
  • writing basic html in a text editor
  • FTP
  • Pico
  • using online guides
  • using wysiwyg editor

Create a multipage website to contain project:
  • index.html (with links to all project components, email, and school)
  • research.html  (with link to story)
  • database.html (with links to two graphs)
  • wordprocessing.html (with links to resume,  notes, and formatting sampler)
  • graphics.html 
  • presentation.html (with link to presentation)

All pages are complete.   Student has created original pages and/or has completely modified given templates. All fonts and colors make the text clearly readable, and all navigation works.  Any and all images are original or free of copywrite protection.  If copywrited images are used, student must provide proof of permission, or  they are linked to the original location, not to student's webdocs folder.
Work appears on the Web.  Most pages are close to completion. All work is original, or shows modification to templates.
All pages  appear on the Web. Most pages are incomplete or show few modification to the templates.
Little or no effort was made to complete the project and work was never  transfered to the Web.
Career Research

  • use online interactive self-assessment tool for career research
  • use Internet to research three careers
  • multi-tasking to take notes while researching
  • make Web page summarizing results (research.html)
  • make link to new page (story.html)
  • Summarize the three careers researched
  • Write a story or essay about one typical day on the job of your chosen career

Summary of research is complete and includes adequate information on all three careers.  There is an annotated link to the story or essay.

Story (or essay) is complete and demonstrates that student has thoroughly grasped the flavor and details of what happens during one day on the job in the chosen career. Writing shows care and is free of ALL spelling and grammatical errors.
Summary of research includes some information on at least two careers.  There is an annotated link to the story or essay.

Story (or essay) is complete and  demonstrates that student has somewhat grasped the flavor and details of what happens during one day on the job in the chosen career. Writing is beyond first draft and is free of major technical and spelling errors..
Summary of research includes some information on at least one career.  There is an annotated link to the story or essay.

Story (or essay) is complete and  demonstrates that student has difficulty grasping the flavor and details of what happens during one day on the job in the chosen career. Writing appears to be an early draft and/or has gramatical and spelling errors.
Summary and story are missing.
Personal Database

  • Use spreadsheet to keep track of weekly keyboarding progress and attendance records
  • Use online database to gather attendance data
  • convert spreadsheet files to web documents
  • make html links to graphs and FTP files

  • analyze both your keyboarding and also your attendance graphs

Your graphs are complete and your analysis demonstrates that you thoroughly understand the meaning of the trends in your graphs.  Links to graphs are clearly annotated. Writing shows care and is free of ALL spelling and grammatical errors.
Your graphs are complete and your analysis demonstrates that you somewhat understand the meaning of the trends in your graphs.  Links to graphs are  present but lack annotation.Writing is beyond first draft and is free of major technical and spelling errors..
Your graphs are incomplete and your analysis shows little understanding of the meaning of the trends in your graphs.  Links to graphs are  present  Writing appears to be an early draft and/or has gramatical and spelling errors.
Analysis and graphs are missing.

  • handle basic and advanced formatting commands 

  • summarize the kind of work you are qualified to do
  • create a link to both MS-Word versions of your resume
Both resumes are complete and appear with street and phone number xxx-ed out for privacy. Formatting demonstrates understanding of  indenting, spacing, bulleted lists, variation of fonts, alignment.
Links are annotated to identify the two versions.
Writing shows care and is free of ALL spelling and technical errors.
One or both resumes are incomplete. Formatting demonstrates some understanding of  indenting, spacing, bulleted lists, variation of fonts, alignment.
Links are annotated to identify the two versions.
Writing is beyond first draft and is free of major technical and spelling errors.
One resume is missing. Formatting demonstrates some understanding of  indenting, spacing, bulleted lists, variation of fonts, alignment.
Links are annotated to identify the two versions.
Writing appears to be an early draft and/or has gramatical and spelling errors
Both resumes are missing.

  • create original animated gif
  • add image links to html page
  • resize gif and jpg images for Web
  • display your animation(s)
  • display two thumbnails with links to full-size versions

  • explain the reasons for choosing gif or jpg
  • discuss importance of file size of images on the Web
  • annotate your thumbnails

Original annotation appears on page. Explanation demonstrates understading of the two image file types and reason for the necessity of adjusting filesize. Links are annotated to identify the thumbnails and their functionalilty.
Writing shows care and is free of ALL spelling and grammatical errors.
Only sample annotation apperas on page. Explanation demonstrates some understanding of the two image file types and reason for the necessity of adjusting filesize. Links are not annotated to identify the thumbnails and their functionalilty.
Writing is beyond first draft and is free of major technical and spelling errors.
Explanation demonstrates only a little  understanding of the two image file types and reason for the necessity of adjusting filesize. Links are not annotated to identify the thumbnails and their functionalilty.
Writing appears to be an early draft and/or has gramatical and spelling errors
All graphics are missing.

  • adapt a PowerPoint template to show original work such as a poem or original artwork, or reflect on one's life, one's skills and assets, or future plans

  • introduce your Quicktime movie presentation.
  • post your presentation in appropriate format

Link to Quicktime movie is annotated with an explaination of the project. All work is original or demonstrates considedrable modification of the template.
Writing shows care and is free of ALL spelling and grammatical errors.
Link to Quicktime movie is annotated.
Writing is beyond first draft and is free of major technical and spelling errors.
There is a link to Quicktime movie. There is little evidence of modification of the template.
Writing appears to be an early draft and/or has gramatical and spelling errors.
Presentation is missing.
Total Score