
This course is centered around human anatomy and physiology, and is based in New York State Regent Biology. Bodyworks teaches basic biology by relating it to the student's selves. The course also attempts to break the stereotype of scientists, and what they do.

For the first part of the course, the underlying theme for the students is - What is the need for science in society. During the first ten weeks a variety of core concepts are covered:


¨ Concept of Life - Characteristics
¨ Cell Theory
¨ Cell Structure and Function/ Processes
¨ Matter/Chemistry of Life
¨ Structure of Living Organism / Levels of Organization
¨ The Human Body
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Digestive System
- Circulatory System
- Respiratory System
- Excretory System
- Reproductive System
- Nervous System
- Endocrine System
- Integumentary System
- Drug Abuse and Effects on the Organ Systems


The second ten weeks we will compare human physiology to animal physiology from certain phyla. We will focus on:

¨ Diversity of Life

¨ Classification / Taxonomic Nomenclature

¨ Organ Systems in :
- Chordates
- Arthropods
- Reptiles
- Aves

¨ Genetics
- Animal
- Human

This course will teach and enhance skills in critical thinking, note taking from a variety of information sources such as; lecture, films, presentations and reading. Laboratory exercises will introduce students to recording their own observations, collecting data, and arranging this information in a written /report format.

Assessment will take place through several different methods:

¨ exams
¨ quizzes
¨ homework
¨ special projects

The exams will be based on the Regent Biology format. There will also be critical thinking questions that will allow the students to expound on what they know and understand. Grading will be done in letter format.

Special projects can take the form of laboratory exercises, as well as student presentations.Laboratory exercises used in this course will cover most of the subjects previously listed in this outline.

¨ Cells - Structure and Function
¨ Skeletal and Muscular System
¨ Digestive System
¨ Circulatory System
¨ Respiratory System
¨ Nervous System
¨ Integumentary System (skin)
¨ Annelids - worms
¨ Arthropods
¨ Reptiles

Student presentations will give students experience in researching information, writing about it and presenting their findings. Topics covered will include:

¨ The Human Body Systems- (Digestive, Circulatory, etc.)
¨ Drug Abuse - Detrimental Effects on Health
¨ Human Reproduction
¨ Life Cycle of Arthropods
¨ Life Cycle of Reptiles
¨ Life Cycle of Birds
¨ Science and Ethics

Instructional Materials:

Text and Lab Manuals

Prentice Hall Science Program -
¨ Cells: The Building Blocks of Life
¨ Human Biology and Health
¨ Parade of Life: Animals

Biology: Visualizing Life - Holt, Rinehart, and Winston
Biology - Silver Burdett Company
Biology - Addison, Wesley
The Human Body : Your Body and How it works- Ruth and Bertel Bruun
A+ Projects in Biology -Janice Van Cleave

USA Today - Science
New York Times - Science

There are several videos that will supplement this course, many provided by Carolina Biological Society and The Learning Channel.

Instructional Strategies:
1) Teacher demonstrations
2) Group discussions
3) visual aid in the form of full color models and posters
4) Creation of posters and models by students