TimeLine Of Walt Whitman's Life...
.Walt Whitman was born on May 31st, 1819 in West Hill New York.
.1846 Whitman was named editor of  Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
.1848 Whitman became editor of the New Orleans Crescent.
.In 1855 Whitman published Leaves Of Grass.
.From 1857 to 1859 Whitman edited the Brooklyn Times.
.In 1867 the fourth edition of Leaves Grass was published.
.In 1871 the fifth edition was published.
.1873 Walt Whitman  suffered a Paralytic stroke, but survived it.
.1891-92 the N"deathbed"N edition posthumous poems were added in the 1897 edition.
.Walt Whitman DIED March 26th 1892 in Canden, New Jersey.