
                             Ralph Waldo Emerson's Timeline

   * 1803-Born May 25 in Boston

    * 1807-John Clarke emerson brother death

    * 1811-May 12 Emerson father died

    * 1812-17- Ralph Emerson attends Boston Latin School

    * 1820-He begins keeping journals and the First series were
               called "wide World"

    * 1821-25- Emerson attends to Harvard Collage, also teaches
                    school for young ladies.

    * 1822- Publishes first article " the Christian Disciple"

    * 1825- Admitted to middle class of Harvard Divinity school

    * 1826- Preaches his first sermon

    * 1827- Emerson sails to South Carolina and Florida seeking
                better health

    * 1828-  Engaged to Ellen Tucker

    * 1829- September 10 he marries Ellen Tucker

    * 1831- February 8 Ellen dies of tuberculosis

    * 1832- First trip to Italy, France, England

    * 1833- Ralph Waldo Emersongives his first lecture.

    * 1834- October 1brother Edward died age 29, Edward
                once said " the arrow of the angel had gone too deep
             " Aunt mary came to live with them for a year.

    * 1835- September 14 he marries Lydian Jackson.

    * 1836- May 9 brother Charles dies.

    * 1837- life time of journal keeping.

    * 1838- July 15 gives " Divinity School Address" at Harvard.

    * 1839- February 24 Daughter Ellen Born

    * 1840- The dial with Margaret

   * 1841- ( November 22 ) daughter Edith born

    * 1842- ( January 27) son waldo dies

    * 1844- The second series of Emerson's essays published-
                ( July 10)- son Edward born

    * 1845- Lecture series " Representative Men"

    * 1846- poems published

    * 1847- Second trip to England

    * 1849- Adresses and lectures published

    *1850- "Representative Men" published

    *1852- speaks on the fugitive slave law

    *1853- Mother Ruth Haskins Emerson dies at 85

    *1854- Lecture on poetry at harvard Divinity School

    *1856- "English Traits" published

    *1859- brother Bulkeley dies

    *1860-"The conduct of life" published

    *1863- Aunt mary moody Emerson dies

    *1865-Daughter Edith marries William Hathaway Forbes

    *1868- Brother Williams dies

    *1871-Trip to California

    *1872- (July 24) Emerson's house

    *1874-son Edward marries Annie Keyes

    *1882- Emerson dies in Concord on April 27 at age 78 and
                is buried in sleepy Hollow.

    *1892-Lidian Emerson dies at age 90.