This activist did many things for the women and civil rights movement. She spoke for women and blacks alike. Truth also inspierd many black women to stand up for their rights. "Ain't I a woman?" would later be a tool in civil rights movement, to prove the inhumanity of an injust system.She came out of the hardest life condition a person could ever experience, slavery.

        Eventhough she went through this, she made her speeches with hope for change in the system.  Instead of letting the oppression brake her spirit, she was an example for her peers and elders.Our group has taken a greater knowledge of what it was like in the reconstruction period. We also take pride in Ms Truth bravery and drive to truly stand for what she believed.

         The reason Sojourner Truth was who she was is because of her time period.she was a speaker for her cause. Sojourner Truth spoke out against oppression because she loved her life as a slave. she was alive in the 19th century, she as also was around in the time of reconstruction. African Americans were always in danger and justice was not on their side. This was what she fought for.

        Our group was very proud to have completed a project such as this. This was our first time making a web site. In the process we also learned a lot about the beautiful, strong, black woman, Sojourner Truth. looking up the information was the easy part, writing it and putting on the web site was the challenge.We agreed that making a web page was a good idea for a final project because we have never done any thing like this before.  It tought us a lot of new skills and it helped us to feel comfortable on the computer. We could later use this in business or in college.