Service and Health

Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4 Family group

Brief description:

Family group establishes a relationship between a single staff member and a group of students. The family group teacher assists students in coping with the broader school and assists the school in making meaningful progress with the student. The teacher assists students in locating specialists when needed, but he does so based on his knowledge of the total student. The family group teacher is the student's dean, grade advisor, mentor, problem-sharer, interpreter, and source of guidance. He follows the progress of the student academically, socially, and personally. Students set specific goals, bond as a group, are held accountable, solve problems and provide support.

Target population:

Tier 1, 2, 3, 4 (Grades 7-12)

Goals and objectives:

Establishing and maintaining a positive school culture. Students, both individually and as a group, set goals, solve problems and provide support. Also a formal vehicle for addressing school wide problems and concerns. If there is a problem between members of the school community, the information is shared in family group as part of formal and informal student governance groups. Students learn about change. They learn about resolving conflict and taking responsibility for their community. Students read about and discuss current social/political issues.

Major topics/theme:

Journal writing and sharing, artwork, portfolio management, good standing, problem solving, discussion of school-wide issues, school leadership groups, AIDS education, conflict resolution skills and teambuilding.

Alignment to standards:

(Social Studies) Standard 5: Civics, citizenship and government.

(English Language Arts) Standard 1: Language for information and understanding

(English Language Arts) Standard 3: Language for critical analysis and evaluation

(English Language Arts) Standard 4: Language for social interaction

(Career Development and Occupational Studies) Standard 3A: Universal Foundation skills

Resources and materials to be used:

Tribes: A Process for Social Development and Cooperative Learning by Jeanne Gibbs

Schools (Educators for Social Responsibility).

Islands of Healing: A Guide to Adventure Based Counseling by Jim Schoel, Dick Prouty and Paul Radcliffe (Project Adventure, Inc.)

100 Ways to Enhance Self-Concept in the Classroom by Jack Canfield and Harold Wells

Adventures in Peacemaking: A Conflict Resolution Activity Guide by William J. Kreidler and Lisa Furlong

Assessment measures:

Roundtable portfolios