Finding Information on the Internet
NEWLY revised, Fall 2000
Teaching Library Internet Workshops
University of California, Berkeley

LINKS to the rest of the UC Berkeley Teaching Library Internet Tutorial:
  • About WWW, Internet, Netscape 
  • About Search Tools 
  • Recommended Search Strategy 
  • Tables Comparing FIVE kinds of Search Tools 
  • Evaluating Web Pages:Why and How 
  • Detailed Search Engine Instructions:
    • Google 
    • Alta Vista Advanced Search 
    • Infoseek 
    • Northern Light 
    • FastSearch
      Return to the Tutorial Table of Contents GLOSSARY of jargon we use  

    Copyright (C) 1995-2000 by the Library, University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
    Document created & maintained on server: by Joe Barker
    Last update 10/3/00. Server manager: [email protected]