7th Grade Computer Skills II
Instructor: Renee Dryg

[email protected]

Course Description:
This class will give you the opportunity to make visual and written art work. We will be using traditional artistic techniques and computer art techniques. Now that you know how to type and word process your documents, you will become familiar with several art related software applications including iMovie, Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXpress and Tabs+.

Course Goals:
This class will give you practise in four areas:
1. Performance and Time Arts: Video Production, claymation
2. Creative Writing: Artist statements and poetry
3. Digital imaging and Page Layout: photography, drawing, collage, poster production
4. Sculpture: 3 dimensional model building and claymation

Grading Policy:
Your grade in this class will be calculated from the completed assignments that are put into the Hand In folder located in your user account.

Class Participation: Positive attitude, respect for others, prepared to work, on time 35%
3 tardies= one days participation score subtracted
Project Completion: Assignments demonstrate effort and fulfill required description 35%
4=A complete& correct, 3=B complete & mostly correct,
2=C complete but incorrect, 1=D incomplete & incorrect, 0= F minimal work
Homework, Tests and quizzes: Must be completed on time,
class time will be made available when possible 30%

Full participation credit requires that you bring these items to class daily.

Floppy diskette
Pen, blue or black only(no pencils in the lab)


Food Sit in your assigned seat
Drink Keep your hands to yourself
Gum Listen and follow instructions
Candy Log out when finished
Littering Push in your chair when you leave
Personal electronics
White out

Keep this top part in your binder for you records


Failure to follow these procedures will result in a suspension of your computer privileges, and in turn affect your course grade.
I have read and understand the computer class requirements and expectations.

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Parent/ Guardian:
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Contact number:
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