Links to Web Sites
Sat 8th Nov 2003 03:44 [Suggest a Category] [Suggest a Link] [Admin]
Top:/Special Education
Gifted (2)
Learning Disabilities (4)
physically challenged (1)
  • - Written by teachers - for teachers...provides you with hundreds of classroom interventions to help those with Attention Deficit Disorder -- "ADD" or "ADHD." ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 100, )
  • ADHD Information Library. - great information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder organized into 10 easy lessons. ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 84, )
  • American Sign Language (ASL) browser - where you can look up video of thousands of ASL signs and learn interesting things about them ( Added: 2002-04-26, Hits: 174, )
  • Do2Learn - see, do and learn online Activities to promote independence in individuals with special learning needs ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 49, )
  • ility/Exceptionality Links Library - - EDUCATION, FAMILY, LEGAL, MEDICAL / THERAPIES, SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONALITIES/DISABILITIES, ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 42, )
  • Intervention Central - offers free tools and resources to help school staff and parents to promote positive classroom behaviors and foster effective learning for all children and youth ( Added: 2002-04-26, Hits: 51, )
  • Learning American Sign Language (ASL) an - Lesson Plans, ASL/SE Vocabulary Index , Body Talk for Signers, American Sign Language (ASL) vs. Signed English (S.E.), etc. ( Added: 2003-01-31, Hits: 148, )
  • Marc Sheehan’s Special Education/Ex - contains the best special education-related and exceptionality-related links that I could find. I hope that you find them to be useful. Feel free to check out my lesson plans page and my educational resources page ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 70, )
  • National Center to Improve Practice - ...the effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and social/emotional disabilities. ( Added: 2002-04-26, Hits: 49, )
  • Rita C. Wright’s Teacher Pages! - Collection of Online Teacher Resources...lesson plans and ideas, educational games and interactives, publications and e-journals, and special education resources. ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 48, )
  • The Behavior Home Page - Annotated resources related to dealing with people, especially cihldren, who exhibit challenging behavior. ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 63, )
  • The Math Page - Links to reference materials about dyscalculia, including math research, strategies, learning materials, resources, and math links. ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 74, )
  • THE SPECIAL EDUCATION HOME PAGE - Decide today to achieve your goal by understanding all there is to know about your particular area of interest in Special Education. ( Added: 2002-04-26, Hits: 148, )
  • Word Finding Difficulties - The purpose of this Word Finding Web site is to provide information about Word Finding for professionals, parents, and learners with word finding difficulties. Topics in this web site include definition, characteristics, assessment, intervention, and avai ( Added: 2002-06-17, Hits: 69, )