The New York City Board of Education

Alternative, Adult and Continuing Education Schools and Programs

in collaboration with

The National Academy of Alternative Education/Alternative Educators Alliance (NAAE/AEA)

and The International Network of Alternative and Productive Schools (INEPS)


are pleased to invite all interested educators, government officials and business leaders to

The 13th Annual International Conference of
Alternative and Productive Schools

Providing Diverse Educational Alternatives
In A Multicultural Community

New York City

May 2-9, 2001

The conference is designed to give educators and other civic leaders an opportunity to study successful models created for a diverse educational population. Many of these programs were designed on the theories of Productive Learning for students not succeeding in the existing public school programs. These students represent a diverse cultural, ethnic and economic cross-section of youth in our cities.

Educational leaders from New York City Board of Education Schools, as well as representatives from the 50 different INEPS Network schools throughout 18 different countries, will be available to share their experiences in building, maintaining and expanding services in these specifically created schools and programs.

Through a variety of interactions, presentations, site based school study visits, seminars and social gatherings, participants will have ample opportunity to explore individual schooling models. Various sites, including The United Nations, Fordham University and New York City Board of Education public schools and offices, will be available to give conference participants access to alternative and innovative leadership and teacher education programs. Workshops will include enhanced uses for communications technologies and long distance learning, school to school collaborations, exchanges and the sharing of research and latest developments in serving the needs of alternative students.

International Network Conference Hosts

Richard Organisciak
Alan Schulman
Bret Schlesinger
Conference Director
Administrative Council Executive Director
Alternative, Adult and Continuing Education
Governing Board NAAE/AEA



Registration Form

