
New York City College of Technology

CS 800: Project Management

20 Key Project Manager Actions and Results
20 Key Project Manager Actions are organized according to their support of the Five Essential Project Management Processes: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. URL: http://www.michaelgreer.com/20-actns.htm

Microsoft Project
Home page. Tips, Tutorials, Updates, etc. URL: http://www.microsoft.com/office/project/

Microsoft Project Survival Tips
Tips. URL: http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~dank/project.html

Project Management Institute
Project Management Institute (PMI) has grown to be the organization of choice for project management professionalism. URL: http://pmi.org/

Project Management Programs - Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQ. URL: http://www.non.com/news.answers/proj-plan-faq.html

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