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Resources at http://support.intel.com/


EtherExpress(TM) ™ PRO/10 Adapter Technical Report: Reducing Bottlenecks for Maximum Performance

EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 ISA Adapter: Troubleshooting Notes from Tech Support

EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 ISA Adapter: Windows 95* Driver Installation

EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 ISA Adapter: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Installation

EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 PCI Adapter: Troubleshooting Notes from Tech Support

EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100 Adapter: Troubleshooting Notes from Tech Support

Novell NetWare* 3.12 Installation Notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100 ISA LAN Adapter

Windows 95* Troubleshooting Methods for the EtherExpress(TM) PRO/10 ISA Adapter: 1012.HTM 1014.HTM

Windows 95* Installation Notes For Intel's EtherExpress(TM) PRO/100 ISA LAN Adapter

Intel EtherExpress(TM) ISA LAN Adapter Installation Guides
Intel EtherExpress PRO/100 ISA LAN Adapter Installation Guide (PRO100I.PDF)
Intel EtherExpress PRO/100 TX PCI LAN Adapter Installation Guide (PRO100TX.PDF)
Intel EtherExpress PRO/10+ PCI LAN Adapter Installation Guide (PRO10P.PDF)

Is there a FAT16 > FAT32 conversion utility?

Can I upgrade my current installation of Windows95 to OSR2?

Microsoft's Knowledge Base articles which reference OSR2

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Resources at http://support.novell.com/ and other Novell NetWare information

Problem Using %OS_VERSION with MS DOS 6.21
NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 FAQ
Windows 95 Network Troubleshooting Summary Part 1 of 2
Windows 95 Network Troubleshooting Summary Part 2 of 2
Dosgen Basics
Dosgen /u parameter for RPL
Troubleshooting RPL and Remote Boot
Novell Press: Books in Print

E22-BP-RPL Remote Boot ROM

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File Servers

Compaq ProLiant 3000
Locations: Region 5 (qty. 3), Region 8 (qty. 3)

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Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles

Q84709 How to Disable Access to Specific Control Panel Tools

Q97041 32-Bit Disk Access Can Degrade Hard Drive Performance

Q106266 System Slows After 32-Bit File Access Is Enabled

Q111684 After WFWG Install, Can't Access NetWare Servers Using IPXODI

Q118822 Novell NetWare Utilities That Do Not Work with Windows 95

Q124798 Ethernet_802.3 Does Not Work with ODI/NDIS Support Driver

Q125392 Windows Stops Responding When Moving or Resizing a Window

Q128253 Differences in Login Scripts in NetWare 4.x and NetWare 3.x

Q128400 Windows 95 Setup Switches

Q133221 Installing a Server-Based Windows 95 Setup

Q136659 Iomega Zip Drive Appears Twice in My Computer


WD6X: How to Add a Font to the Symbol Font List


WD97: Some Fonts Are Not Available in Word
Courier New contains the exact same character set as MS LineDraw. Existing documents formatted with the MS LineDraw font will be mapped to Courier New when opened in Word 97.

To access the line drawing characters that used to be available in MS LineDraw, click Symbol on the Insert menu, change the font to (normal text), and change the Subset to Box Drawing.

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