
Windows XP Notes

Tips for resolving specific issues with Microsoft Windows XP.

Important: As always, before updating or modifying any part of Windows or using any of these tips:

  1. Backup your data.
  2. Backup your Registry files.
  3. Create an Emergency Boot disk that include the drivers for your CD-ROM drive.
  4. Read the documentation for each update before you attempt to install it.
  5. Use these tips at your own risk.
  6. Read the Legal Information.

All of the information, instructions, and recommendations on this web site are offered on a strictly "as is" basis. Remember "Murphy's Law."


No Sound From External Speaker When Adjusting Volume

When using the volume control in the system tray to adjust the speaker volume, Windows XP is supposed to play the “Windows XP Ding.wav” file to audition the volume level via the external speakers.

If Windows XP uses the internal computer speaker instead of the external speaker it will be difficult if not impossible to judge the volume level.

It’s probable that the user registry is missing the following sub-key:


Create a .reg file with the following content and then “merge” the file into your registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





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Disable AutoPlay

To disable AutoPlay, otherwise known as Auto Insert Notification, on Windows XP Professional...

  1. Click the Start button followed by selecting "Run".
  2. Type in "gpedit.msc" and click OK.
  3. Click and expand "Computer Configuration", followed by "Administrative Templates", followed by "System".
  4. Double click "Turn autoplay off" and then select "Enable" followed by clicking "OK".

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Add Command Prompt to the Windows Context Menu

To access a Windows folder in a command shell by simply using a "right-click," do the following in Windows Explorer

1. Navigate to Tools / Folder Options / File Types / N/A (Folder)

2. Add "Command Prompt" as a new action with the executable "cmd.exe /k pushd %L".

Substituting %1 for %L will result in the Long File Name notation for the path being shortened to the 8.3 notation.

Note: It may be necessary to substitute "cd" for "pushd" on some Windows platforms.

Also, other executables supporting command line options may be added to the context menu in the same manner. To hash the current folder in a command shell, use the action: Cmd.exe /k hash.exe [options]

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