
Cultural Links

Afrocentric Web Sites

"Blackvoices.com is an African American online community which brings together job seekers and employers and offers extensive news, entertainment and e-commerce content. Since it's debut in December 1995 on America Online, Blackvoices.com has grown from a small niche site to the most visited African-American virtual community in the world. Black Voices is growing even stronger since launching on the Web in April 1997. Join the Blackvoices.com community. Become a contributing member and make a little noise yourself."

Member services: free email, chat clubs, message boards, resume posting, member search, events list. http://www.blackvoices.com/

EverythingBlack.com is a comprehensive directory of active Internet web sites and events of particular interest to African Americans and Blacks worldwide. Our goal is to provide for a positive and culturally sensitive Internet experience. http://www.everythingblack.com/

Universal Black Pages:
The primary purpose of the UBP is to maintain a comprehensive listing of African-diaspora-related Web pages at a central site.
A secondary purpose of the UBP is to encourage development of categories and topics which are not currently available. The UBP facilitates this development by serving as a resource by which one can avoid duplication of effort.
A searchable index of Black-related sites, from music to business, schools to professional organizations. Developed by members of the Black Graduate Students Association at Georgia Institute of Technology. http://www.ubp.com/

African World Community Network:
Features: Virtually Afrocentric -- One of the largest, most comprehensive repositories of afrocentric links to web sites by, about and/or of interest to African Americans. http://www.he.net/%7Eawe/makheru.htm

WebDiva InfoCenter:
Lots of links: Toppick http://www.afrinet.net/%7Ehallh

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Rasta, Jamaica, Reggae

Jah Rastafari Haile Selassie I Ethiopia
Covers these topics: Blessed Earth, Locks, Black Israelites, Jesus Christ, Alpha & Omega, Melchesidec Order, Solomon & Sheba, Kebra Negast, Ark of Covenant, Selassie's Coronation, Kingdom of God, Son of David, Ethiopia's Constitution, Selassie's Word, Crown of Glory, Temple of God, Spiritual Kingsmen, African Unity, Adam's Tomb, African Pyramids, Oppression, Visions of Rastafari, Works & Labor, Ethiopian Orthodox, Babylon System, America in Prophecy, Message Board, Links.  http://www.webcom.com/nattyreb/rastafari/   

BobMarley.com explores the life, music and philosophy of Bob Marley. http://www.bobmarley.com/

Jammin Reggae Archives:
A collection of information about and Web Links to Reggae Music. http://niceup.com/

Rasta Information Service

Roots & Culture:
The Roots & Culture Page has been created for the masses of *Ethiopians at home and abroad that seek Enlightenment, Insight and Inspiration.
(*Ethiopians - All People of the World) http://www.blacklife.com/Roots/

Virtual Niahbingi:
Manifesting Rastafari in cyberspace. Information on Rastafari, Marcus Garvey, etc. http://www.preferred.net/niahbingi/

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