

This page contains links to files that users can download directly from this Web site and links to files at other sites.

Local Downloads

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy otherwise known as Mad Cow Disease in England and the United States.
Madcow_BSE.rtf via FTP in Rich Text Format
Madcow_BSE.doc via FTP in Word v7.0 format.
Madcow_BSE.txt via FTP in MS-DOS text format.

"What Life Has Taught Me on the Question of Racial Discrimination" by Emperor Haile Selassie, California, U.S.A 1964
Selassie.doc via FTP in Word v6.0 format
Selassie.doc via HTTP in Word v6.0 format

List of books and music that you may find interesting
Books.doc via FTP in Word 97 format.
Books.rtf via FTP in Rich Text Format
Nguzo Saba: The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa.doc via FTP in Word v7.0 format.

SIMM types, chip configuration and capacity
SIMM_Types.doc via FTP in Word 97 format.

PWGen v1.21.1 (Password Generator)
A Visual Basic program that generates passwords of the length that you specify. Uses lower and uppercase characters and/or numbers.

Random Password Generator
A QBasic program that generates passwords of the length that you specify. Uses lower and uppercase characters and numbers. Nothing fancy but it works.
randompw.bas. Requires QBasic. You can use randompw.bat to launch QBasic.

PC Speaker Driver
For those system that do not have a sound card installed. This was downloaded directly from microsoft. speak.exe.
see: How to Install and Use the PC Speaker Driver with Windows 95 for instructions.

Macro Virus Protection Tool
"The Microsoft Corporation has developed a tool which installs a set of protective macros that detect suspicious Word files and alert customers to the potential risk of opening files with macros. Upon being alerted, users are given the choice of opening the file without executing the macros, opening the file as is, or canceling the file open operation. Opening the file without macros ensures that macro viruses are not transmitted and does not affect the content of the document. Unless users can verify that the macros contained in the document will not cause damage, Microsoft recommends opening the file without macros."

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Downloads from ZDNet

PC Magazine: PC Tech (Downloads) Toppick

PC Magazine: PC Tech (Utilities): Toppick
All of the utilities that were featured in the PC Tech column of PC Magazine. http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/index-ut.html

AtomTime by Bruce Adelsman.
Sleek and straightforward, AtomTime can keep the clock on your Windows 95 system right in step with the public-access atomic clock server of the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. http://www6.zdnet.com/cgi-bin/texis/swlib/hotfiles/info.html?fcode=0006AS

COA32 (Change of Address) (coa32.zip): By Neil J. Rubenking Toppick
Change of Address, coa32.zip, lets you change the addresses of 32-bit Windows programs by changing the references to its path in the Registry and .INI files. Basically it does a search and replace. First Published in the January 7, 1997 issue of PC Magazine.
The 16-Bit version, coa.zip, for Windows v3.1 is also available. http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/16/01/ut1601.001.html

OpenTrap Eavesdrops on Windows by Rick Knoblaugh and Gregory A. Wolking
OpenTrap, opentr.zip, is a 32-bit Windows 95 application that lets you record file system activity so you can diagnose problems with your system or just see what's going on behind the scenes as you work. http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/16/13/ut1613.001.html

Automate Tasks at Shutdown by John Deurbrouck
ShutUp, shutup.zip, automates cleanup tasks and lets you run programs before shutting down. http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/16/15/ut1615.001.html

DLL Show for Windows 95: by Software By Design.
DLL Show is a useful Windows 95 utility that will show you a list of all your running processes and their associated DLL dependencies. http://www6.zdnet.com/cgi-bin/texis/swlib/hotfiles/info.html?fcode=000EB1

Registry Monitor: Written by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell.
Registry Monitor shows you in real time how the OS and your apps are reading and writing to the Registry. http://www.zdnet.com/hpc/content/highlite/hl0923.html

FileGrab: The Missing Link by Michael J. Mefford Toppick
FileGrab uses Explorer to give you a list of filenames. You can save the list to disk, print it, or copy it into the Clipboard for pasting into another application. Selecting View | Options lets you choose which file character-istics (such as date, size, or attributes) are included with the filenames. filegr.zip http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/16/05/ut1605.001.html

SiteSnagger: Download Web Sites by Steven E. Sipe 
Avoid waiting for individual Web pages to load: SiteSnagger downloads entire Web sites . ssnag.zip http://www.zdnet.com/pcmag/pctech/content/17/04/ut1704.001.html

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Downloads from Microsoft

Microsoft Office 97 Service Release 1 GetIt
Released: August 5, 1997, Updated: August 21, 1997. Contains bug fixes and updates to Office 97.  http://www.microsoft.com/office/office97/servicerelease/

Word 97 Viewer:
Want to share your documents with people who don't have Word 97 yet? This viewer lets anyone read and print files created with Word 97, and even follows hyperlinks. http://www.microsoft.com/word/internet/viewer/viewer97/

Microsoft Word 97 (v8.0) Converter:
Used to open a Word 97 document in an earlier version of Word (6.x and 7.x). The converter (Wrd97cnv.exe) is also available in the ValuPack folder on the Word 97 and Office 97 CD-ROM. http://www.microsoft.com/kb/softlib/mslfiles/Wrd97cnv.exe

Word 6.0/95 Binary Converter for Word 97:
This new Word 6.0/95 converter saves Microsoft® Word 97 documents in a true binary file format with a .doc extension. The original Word 6.0/95 converter that shipped with Microsoft Office 97 saved Word 97 documents as Rich Text Format (RTF). http://www.microsoft.com/Officefreestuff/word/dlpages/wrd6ex32.htm

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Downloads from Other Sites

NANOG 20 - Carnivore Update (Marcus Thomas, FBI)
The Carnivore update presented by the FBI's Marcus Thomas at the 20th NANOG meeting held in Washington DC October 22-24 in Washington DC, is arguably the most complete and detailed briefing yet on the functionality, use and legal implications of Carnivore. This talk was meant for a technical audience, and the dicussion and questions from the audience are very enlightening. Major thanks should go to the folks from Merit/NANOG for managing to schedule this talk, to Marcus Thomas and the FBI for their candor, and the NANOG crowd for asking the important questions.
More NANOG info can be found on the web at http://www.nanog.org, including past meetings, slides for talks, and archived real-player streams.

The video is available from this site.
(Runtime is 54 minutes, Bitrate is 1000Kb/s, Filesize total is 382MB)

www.arachnoid.com: Toppick
Home of Arachnophilia. A 32-bit HTML Editor for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Imports, automatically converts fully formatted text, tables, outlines from any Windows 95-compliant application. Supports up to 6 Web browsers. Supports CGI, Frames, JavaScript development. Fully user-customizable toolbars provide frequently used tags. Multiple document interface with full drag & drop capability. Built-in tutorials on HTML development, JavaScript, the Internet. Cost is $0.00. Please read about CareWare.

This site also contains some interesting reading: How we confuse symbols and things, Why are computers so hard to use?, Interview with an Extraterrestrial, Computer Math, The Constancy of its Affections, How to Buy a Computer, and a book, "Confessions of a Long-Distance Sailor" by Paul Lutus. http://www.arachnoid.com/

Paint Shop Pro: Toppick
A powerful and easy to use image viewing, editing and conversion program, supports over 30 image formats. With numerous drawing and painting tools, this may be the only graphics program you will ever need. http://www.jasc.com/pspdl.html

MTU-Speed: by Mike Sutherland
MTU-Speed is a utility designed to help speed your Internet connection by allowing you to modify certain parameters in your system registry. While these settings, when modified properly, may in fact give you a significant increase in speed, you should use this utility with great care - especially if you are on a network rather than using a Dial-Up Networking connection. As the author recommends, you should back up your registry before using this utility. This utility works only with Windows 95. Also available from ZDNet http://www.mjs.u-net.com/

For additional information, check out:
MaxMTU Fix for Win95
Dial-Up Networking Troubleshooting Reference at Lynn Larrow's Place
Malcolm Reeves' "Win95 TCP/IP Tips and Tricks" page

Web2Text: Toppick
An HTML to ASCII text converter with a graphical interface that produces a nicely laid out text version, and keeps URLs visible. http://www.jetman.demon.co.uk/software/index.html

WinZip: Toppick
Integrates well into Windows Explorer facilitate easy compression and decompression of files. http://www.winzip.com

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