Useful Websites


The Veterans History Project- Natinal Archives

Chronologies Of WAR
Timeline - 20th Century
The Abraham Lincoln Brigade
First World War WWI
The Great War
Bonus Marchers
Holocaust Timeline
WWII - Normandy
WWII - Description (Grolier)
WWII - Timeline
WWII - Pacifists
Tuskegee Airmen
WWII - African Americans
WWII - Latinos
WWII - Homefront
The Korean War
Korean War Project
The Cold War
Cold War - Timeline
Conscientious Objectors
War Resisters League
The Quakers - AFSC
Ho Chi Minh
Vietnam Memorial Wall
The Virtual Wall
Vietnam Veterans of AmericaFoundation
Sons and Daughters In Touch-Vietnam
Rod Kane
Mary Reynolds Powell
Tim O'Brien
Wallace Terry
Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Veterans For Peace
Vietnam Veterans of America
Vietnam Women's Memorial
The Gulf War
The 100 Hour Ground War - Gulf War


1st Period Class Prep, News, Assignments
4th Period Class Prep, News, Assignments
Useful Websites Sites that will assist understanding
Oral History Forms For Interviews

Teen Talk Collaborations

Radio - TV, Distance Learning
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