[ProgressiveEd] Report on Friday's NYS Senate Majority Task Force 4/4 Pub...

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 20:27:46 EDT

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Dear Colleagues:
I want to raise a question that has remained largely unspoken in the debate 
about preserving the local school districts.  To what degree are the efforts 
by local politicians to preserve school districts connected to their desire 
to preserve white middle class enclaves in our school system?  Have these 
district offices really been accountable and responsive to the majority of 
parents?    If there is an educational argument to preserve the districts I 
would like to hear it because nothing mentioned in the press thus far has 
discussed how these structures have worked to support teaching and learning. 
As the networks are created over the next few months, I think it is incumbent 
on progressive educators to argue for diverse networks of schools that are 
not segregated by race and class.
Shael Polakow-Suransky
Principal, Bronx International High School
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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Dear Colleagues:<BR>
I want to raise a question that has remained largely unspoken in the debate=20=
about preserving the local school districts.&nbsp; To what degree are the ef=
forts by local politicians to preserve school districts connected to their d=
esire to preserve white middle class enclaves in our school system?&nbsp; Ha=
ve these district offices really been accountable and responsive to the majo=
rity of parents?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If there is an educational argument to pr=
eserve the districts I would like to hear it because nothing mentioned in th=
e press thus far has discussed how these structures have worked to support t=
eaching and learning. <BR>
As the networks are created over the next few months, I think it is incumben=
t on progressive educators to argue for diverse networks of schools that are=
 not segregated by race and class.<BR>
Shael Polakow-Suransky<BR>
Principal, Bronx International High School</FONT></HTML>