[ProgressiveEd] Today's rally

[email protected] [email protected]
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 07:27:30 EST

Dear Jane, Carol, and all other members of PENNY,
Thanks for being at the rally, thanks for reporting your reactions to the 
rally, and thanks for your commitment to PENNY.  From what I've heard, the 
demonstration was another step in demonstrating our commitment to our 
schools.  I think Michele Cahill can be an ally; I'm glad she'll be at the 
meeting with Joel Klein on April 10.  I question her comments (as Carol 
reported them) that schools in our network are week  in math and literacy 
curricula.  Where does that come from?  I don't think it comes from looking 
at our actual work.  Does it come from a review of test scores?  That would 
be interesting, because scores are affected by so many factors.  I agree with 
Carol that the April 10th meeting is about getting commitments.
The steering committee of PENNY will meet this Monday, March 31 at 6:30 at 
Ann's.  We will set a date for a general meeting BEFORE the April 10th 
meeting with Mr. Klein and Ms. Cahill.  Let's hear from everyone online 
before, and hope to see you at the meetings.  Bruce Kanze