[ProgressiveEd] Beginning the conversation

[email protected] [email protected]
Sat, 25 Jan 2003 20:05:13 -0500

Hi, everyone.  I'm Camilla Saly.  I am presently in charge of Staff
Development for the Dept of Technology in the Superintendency of
Alternative, Adult and Continuing Education Schools and Programs.  I
spoke at some length at the meeting at City College about what's going on
with Alternative High Schools and Programs as a result of the
redistricting plan.
In case you're not sure how a listserv works, here's the rundown: When
you send an email to [email protected] you are, in essence,
sending an email to everyone who was at the meeting the other night at
City College.  Since then, other progressive, alternative educators and
parents have joined the list, so you're sending to them, too.  This list
represents a coalition of small, progressive schools, alternative schools
and programs, representatives from universities with progressive schools
of education, and parents and others who support our schools and the work
that we do.  
Since time is of the essence, I suggest we start talking.  Anyone can
start.  Once the conversation begins, anyone can respond, and we will all
receive that response.  Thus it is as if we are sitting in a circle
planning what to do.  Let's take advantage of this "circle," join forces,
and work for a positive outcome in this time of upheaval.
The people who attended the meeting at City College have been subscribed
to the list by me.  Some have not yet responded to the initial email
telling them to confirm their subscription.  They will not receive the
ProgressiveEd emails until they do.  Those of you already on the list:
please ask your friends and collegues to check their email, so that as
many people as possible can be part of our ongoing discussions.
My web page: http://www.altschools.org/technology/staffdev has a link to
the Progressive Education Network.  Check out that link for a description
of who we are and what we believe in, written by me and Bruce Kanze (we
hope you like it!)  You may also want to tell your friends and collegues
to go to that web page, where they can sign up to become part of this
I look forward to our work together!