Speakeasy Caf� Event 1: Memoir Loops

Memoir Loop 1

First Thoughts

Last week in class, you made a list of "people, places, times, and things" then you chose one item (or a few connected ones) from your list and put it at the top of a piece of paper. We did some freewriting in class, then you wrote a "focused sentence." Next you did a freewrite beginning with that focused sentence. For homefun you were to do two more freewrites and focused sentences.

You should have 4 freewrites and 4 focused sentences about the same person, place, time, or thing from your life.

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Go to the window called Title of your writing, and replace the word [none] by typing the item from your list (the title of your first freewrite) into this window.

Next type your 4 freewrites and 4 focused sentences into the box that says, Type or paste the text of your response below.

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then scroll down to the third Event and go to the next Table: Memoir Loops 2.

Memoir Loop 2


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Make the Title of your writing: Dialogue

Choose two people or characters that appear in your freewrites from Memoir Loops 1 (one might be you). Type the names of these two people in the response window, and briefly describe the two characters. Then jump into making up and remembering a conversation between these two characters.

Your task is to re-tell a story from your life (that you have already done freewriting about) in the form of a dialogue or play. Imagine or remember what each character said to each other.

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then scroll down to the third Event and go to the next Table: Memoir Loops 3.

Memoir Loop 3

Facts, Lies, Errors

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Make the Title of your writing: Facts, Lies, Errors

Go to the text window, and make three lists:

  1. FACTS: Make a list of things about your theme, topic, or story that you know are true.
  2. LIES: Make a list of things about your theme, topic, or story that you know are NOT true. Purposely lie. Make things up about what you are writing about. Write down quickly all the odd or crazy things you can come up with.
  3. ERRORS: Write down things that are almost true or trying to be true; things that you are tempted to think or that others think, but you know are false; dangerous mistakes.

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then scroll down to the third Event and go to the next Table: Memoir Loops 4.

Memoir Loop 4


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Make the Title of your writing: Letter

Go to the text window and write a letter to somebody, telling that person what you are writing about in your Identity Memoir. Choose a person who would be interested to know what you are doing... a person who might have had something to do with what you are writing about. Don't plan ahead. Just write Dear __________, and start writing.

In your letter be sure to identify what the story (or stories) you are writing mean to you. What are your stories about? What lessons do they teach? What questions do they represent an answer to? (See the questions that students posed at the beginning of the semester.) Why did you choose to do your Identity Memoir about this theme/topic?

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then scroll down to the third Event and go to the next Table: Memoir Loops 5.

Memoir Loop 5


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Make the Title of your writing: Metaphors

Copy the following sentence starters, by highlighting the next several lines. Then click on the right button and find "Copy."  Go to the text window and press the right button again. Find "Paste," and the metaphors should appear in the text window. Now need to complete each of them.

  1. If my topic/theme/story were a mathematics problem it would be...
  2. If my topic/theme/story were a statue, this is how I would describe it...
  3. If my topic/theme/story were a food, it would probably be...
  4. If my topic/theme/story were a color, it would be...
  5. If my topic/theme/story were a kind of music, it would be...
  6. If my topic/theme/story were a science experiment, the science researcher would...

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then scroll down to the third Event and go to the next Table: Memoir Loops 6.


Memoir Loop 6

Snap Shots

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Make the Title of your writing: Snap Shots

Think about the stories that you have been writing. Stop the flow of time and take still photographs in your mind. focus on individual moments. What places, moments, sounds, or moods come to mind in connection with your theme/topic/story?

Describe at three or four scenes from your theme/topic/story. Imagine that you are looking at a snap shot, then write a description of everything you can see in that image.

When you finish typing, click on Add this writing to the Writers' exchange.   Then use the frame to the left to return to the Speakeasy Caf�, then go the first Event (Freewriting) and go to the Table for this week. Do a freewrite about your experience writing with computers today.