

Novell NetWare

Novell Support Connection:
Make sure to check out the Minimum Patch List for the latest NetWare Support Pack and other updates.  http://support.novell.com/

Novell NetWare Home:

Novell - intraNetWare Home Page:

Novell: Education: Certified Novell Administrator Home:

List of TID's on common client issues seen
NDPS Issues, General Client Issues, Protocol (IP) Issues. See TID 10019238. http://support.novell.com/

Windows 95 Network Troubleshooting Summary:
Part 1 of 2 and Part 2 of 2 http://support.novell.com/cgi-bin/search/tidfinder.cgi?2908513

Novell Connection Magazine: Toppick
Lots of good articles.  http://www.ncmag.com/

Novell AppNotes
Novell's Technical Journal for Network Design, Implementation, Administration, and Integration.  http://developer.novell.com/research/appnotes.htm

Long Filename Support on NW 3.1x and 4.x:
Technical Information Document (2929574) at http://support.novell.com/.

System Policies and Client 32 for Windows 95:
System Policies are used to mandate registry settings for workstations that log onto the network. These registry settings are defined with a the System Policy Editor and stored in a policy file. Upon login these settings are copied from the policy file to the USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT file of the workstation and overwrite any settings that may already be defined. See Technical Information Document (2911296) at http://support.novell.com/.

The Doctor Is In
Performing an NDS Health Check. http://www.novell.com/nwc/dec.97-jan.98/ndshcd7/index.html

The Novell Advantage Over Windows 2000
This site promises daily articles that refute key claims about Windows 2000, including rebuttals to specific Microsoft claims about Novell NDS. http://www.novell.com/advantage/w2k.html

Novell Directory Services (NDS)

Designing an NDS Tree:
(by Jeffrey F. Hughes and Blair W. Thomas for NetWare Connection Magazine)
Three Objectives to Help You Create an Effective Tree. (Part 1 of 2) http://www.nwconnection.com/ jun.96/ndstre66/

NDS Tree Design:
(by Jeffrey F. Hughes and Blair W. Thomas for NetWare Connection Magazine)
Finishing What You Started. (Part 2 of 2) http://www.nwconnection.com/ jul.96/ndstre76/

Novell's Directory Services (NDS) vs. Microsoft's Active Directory
  • The NDS Advantage
  • Novell's DirXML compared to Microsoft's Directory Interoperability Plans
  • A Comparative Overview of NDS and Active Directory (nds-ad-compare.pdf)
  • The Novell Advantage over Windows 2000

Directory Services: Novell, Microsoft battle over directories by Jeff Symoens
NDS is ready now; Active Directory won't ship until NT 5.0 does. Which should you choose? http://www.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayTC.pl?/reviews/971117dir-services.htm

Novell Directory Services Home Page:

NetWare Information at non Novell Sites

Trouble Installing Clarke Tests v.3?:
Do you keep getting "Run-time error '31037' " while attempting to install the Clarke Tests v.3 that came with "Novell's CNA Study Guide for IntranetWare/NetWare 4.11?" Check this out, it may help. I wasted several hours trying to install the program :(

Dave's Novell Shareware:

NetWare Hack FAQ: http://www.nmrc.org/faqs/netware/

Windows 95 and NetWare Complete Review:

The Tech Forums:
Formerly known as the NUI Technical Support Forums (NetWare Users International) http://www.nuinet.com/

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Microsoft Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows 2000 Home Page

Step-by-Step Guide to a Common Infrastructure for Windows 2000 Server Deployment - Part 1: Installing a Windows 2000 Server as a Domain Controller
How to build a common network infrastructure, beginning with the Windows 2000 Server operating system configured as a domain controller. This common infrastructure allows you to learn about and evaluate Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional. As you deploy the systems, think about how you will use them in your organization. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/planning/server/serversteps.asp

Windows 2000 Post-SP2 Hotfixes
A cumulative list of the articles that have been written to discuss hotfixes that have been released since the release of Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. As of July 9, 2001, Total Articles: 273. http://support.microsoft.com/support/servicepacks/windows/2000/win2000_post-sp2_hotfixes.asp

Windows 2000 Installation Security Checklist
Checklist recommended security practices for locking down a Windows 2000 Professional or Server installation. http://www.labmice.net/articles/securingwin2000.htm

Tackle Common Tasks With These HowTo Resources

Microsoft's Knowledge Base:
Information about resolving some problems with software and hardware. Note: Works best with JavaScript enabled. http://support.microsoft.com/support/

Microsoft Security Advisor
This page provides a list of security-related issues on Microsoft products. Security Bulletins/Warnings, Introductory information on ways to secure your systems, etc. http://www.microsoft.com/security/

Microsoft Network Security Hotfix Checker (Hfnetchk.exe) Tool
The Hfnetchk tool to assess patch status for the Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 operating systems, as well as hotfixes for Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS), Internet Information Services 5.0 (IIS), SQL Server 7.0, and SQL Server 2000 (including Microsoft Data Engine [MSDE]), and Internet Explorer 5.01 or later. http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q303/2/15.asp

Microsoft Security

Microsoft's TechNet Security
HotFix & Security Bulletins. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/

Microsoft Security: Securing Internet Information Server

Use QChain.exe to Install Multiple Hotfixes with Only One Reboot
Microsoft has released a command-line tool named QChain.exe that gives system administrators the ability to safely chain hotfixes together. Hotfix chaining involves installing multiple hotfixes without rebooting between each installation. Without this tool, the only supported method is to reboot after each hotfix installation. The QChain.exe tool has the following benefits: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q296/8/61.ASP

Qfecheck.exe Verifies the Installation of Windows 2000 Hotfixes
Microsoft has released a command-line tool named Qfecheck.exe that gives network administrators increased ability to track and verify installed Windows 2000 hotfixes. This tool provides the following benefits: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q282/7/84.ASP

Windows 2000: How It Works
These resources provide in-depth technical information to help you better understand and optimize the Windows 2000 operating system.
Covers: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/howitworks/

Glossary of Windows 2000 Services
This article presents the approximately 100 services in the Windows 2000 Server family in alphabetical order. It provides general information on how each service functions and describes the effects of disabling each service. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/howitworks/management/w2kservices.asp

Online resource for IT Professionals who deploy, manage, and support Microsoft Windows 2000 products and services. We locate and consolidate the best resources from hundreds of the biggest tech sites, and sort them here by topic. Each one of our 10,827 links are hand picked, and verified weekly. Our goal is to save you time, and to help you find the answers you need in 3 clicks or less. http://www.labmice.net/

JSI, Inc's Reghacks
Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP Tips, Tricks and Registry Hacks. http://www.jsiinc.com/

Windows 2000 Specific Search Engine by TechTarget.com. http://searchWin2000.com/

The Windows 2000 Security Rollup Package provides a cumulative rollup of security updates that have been offered since the release of Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2). (Posted: January 30, 2002)
Read the TechNet article that lists which updates are included. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/critical/q311401/default.asp

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Active Directory and DNS

Best Practice Active Directory Design for Managing Windows Networks
This guide provides a step-by-step methodology based on best practices learned from customers that have already deployed Active Directory in their organizations. It provides all the tasks and decisions you need to develop an Active Directory design to manage Windows networks. The intended audience for this guide is the IT professional responsible for testing, piloting, and rolling out an Active Directory design. http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/planning/activedirectory/bpaddsgn.asp

HOW TO: Configure DNS Records for Your Web Site in Windows 2000 (Q315982)
This article describes how to configure your Domain Name System (DNS) server to host an externally accessible (that is, accessible from the Internet) Web site. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q315982

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Microsoft Windows NT

Microsoft Windows NT Server Home Page:

Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Support Tools:
The Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit Support Tools help you support, administer, and troubleshoot the Windows NT Server 4.0 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 platforms.

These tools are a subset of the tools found in the full Windows NT 4.0 Resource Kit, and include tools that are new or updated from previous Resource Kit releases. http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/nts/downloads/recommended/ntkit/

Windows NT Resource Kit Updates:
The utilities for the 4.0 Resource Kit are not available for free download from the FTP server, or any other online service. The fixes and updates posted here require that the original software from the Windows NT Resource Kit version 4.0 CD be installed. ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/reskit/

Diagnostic Solution Guide for Windows 2000 & Windows NT
Within a few questions, Diagnostic Solution Guide will help you locate answers to your problem. http://dsg.rte.microsoft.com/

Microsoft Windows NT Workstation:

Microsoft Security Advisor
This page provides a list of security-related issues on Microsoft products. Security Bulletins/Warnings, Introductory information on ways to secure your systems, etc. http://www.microsoft.com/security/

Windows NT Configuration Guidelines by CERT Coordination Center
This document is being published jointly by the CERT Coordination Center and AusCERT (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team) and details common Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 configuration problems that have been exploited by intruders and recommends practices for deterring several types of break-ins. We encourage system administrators to review all sections of this document and modify their systems accordingly to fix potential weaknesses. http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/win_configuration_guidelines.html

Windows NT 4.0 Domain Controller Configuration Checklist
This checklist outlines the steps you should take to secure servers acting as Windows NT Server 4.0 domain controllers (DCs). These steps apply to Windows NT 4.0 Server, Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition, whether it�s being used as a primary or backup domain controller. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/dccklst.asp

Microsoft's Knowledge Base:
Information about resolving some problems with software and hardware. Note: Works best with JavaScript enabled. http://support.microsoft.com/support/

Windows NT Server & Workstation 4.0 Frequently Asked Questions:

Implementing Profiles and Policies for Windows NT 4.0
Provides information and procedures for implementing Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Profiles and Policies on client workstations and servers.

Q161334 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 1 of 6
Q185587 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 2 of 6
Q185588 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 3 of 6
Q185589 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 4 of 6
Q185590 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 5 of 6
Q185591 Guide to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles & Policies Part 6 of 6
Q154120 Debugging User Profiles and System Policies in Windows NT 4.0
Q174491 User Profile Scenario Summaries
Q168476 How to Create Mandatory Profiles with Windows NT 4.0

How to Query the Microsoft Knowledge Base Using Keywords

Retiring Windows NT Server 4.0: Changes in Product Availability and Support
The Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 family of operating systems began entering the marketplace in September 1996. After five years on the market — and with the increasing adoption of its successor, the Windows 2000 Server family of operating systems — Windows NT Server 4.0 is being retired in phases. This article describes the schedule for changes in product availability and support. http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/ProductInfo/Availability/Retiring.asp

Microsoft Windows NT Links at non--Microsoft Sites

Focus on Windows NT
Get the latest news on Executive Software products, as well as tips, tricks and the latest news on Windows NT. Focus on Windows is published every two weeks and is delivered through your e-mail. http://www.execsoft.co.uk/focus.htm

System Internals:
Several utilities for monitoring and diagnosing Windows NT & Windows 9x. Good information on how the utilities work.
NTSFDOS, RegMon, FileMon, and many others. http://www.sysinternals.com/

NT Hack FAQ:
Some of the things you need to know about in an attempt to keep your NT based network secure. http://www.nmrc.org/faqs/nt/

Windows NT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Toppick by John Savill (SavillTech Ltd)
Lots of useful information on Windows NT. http://www.ntfaq.com

CNET Help.com: Windows NT

Geo's Windows NT Tips:
Tips for Windows NT Server v3.51, v4.0, and v2000. http://www.nthelp.com/

Paul Thurrott's WinInfo
Windows news and information. http://www.wugnet.com/wininfo/

Windows NT/2000 Tips, Tricks, Registry Hacks by JSI Inc.

Windows NT Magazine

Windows NT Resource Center:

Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 Security Arne Vidstrom
Security toolbox, security papers, security advisories.
"Vidstrom has exposed his fair share of Windows vulnerabilities. Bringing attention to recent vulnerabilities in Recycle Bin, Repair Disk (rdisk), and Internet Anywhere Mail Server have proven his security acumen. "
NT tools: Delguest, Snitch, ipEye, winfo, Windows UDP Port Scanner (WUPS), SQL brute force password guesser (sqldict), strongpass, inzider. http://www.ntsecurity.nu/

Windows NT Tech Center at Beverly Hills Software

Tips for NT Administrators
"These tips have been compiled from many sources over several years. Many came from perusing Microsoft's KB including HOWTOs. I didn't add any tip that didn't make sense to me, although I have not exhaustively tested everything here. Readers beware. Many of these tips are inherently dangerous. Need I mention backup? Certain techniques may work for my environment and be questionable in yours." http://is-it-true.org/nt/atips/index.shtml

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Unix / Linux

Linux Online Toppick
Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Linux is an independent POSIX implementation and includes true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent with Unix-type systems. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. http://www.linux.org/

Red Hat Linux  Toppick
Red Hat Software is a computer software development company that sells products and provides services related to Linux, a freely available UN*X-like operating system. InfoWorld named Red Hat Linux 5.0 the Network Operating System Product of the Year. http://www.redhat.com/

Linux Today
"Linux Today is a resource for business professionals interested in maintaining a high level of awareness of the news pertaining to Linux and the Open Source communities." http://www.linuxtoday.com

Linux Workshop Resources
References from the Linux workshop that was given at Beacon High School, July 1999.
This is a mirror of that page. The original was at:

"Tux on the Upper West Side" by Slashdot.org
"The Beacon School is a selective secondary public school on West 61st Street in New York City. It is a place where students are encouraged to work with computers and technology, not just to run educational software, but to write code, administer networks and troubleshoot hardware. Long on knowledge but short on cash, Beacon is a textbook example of how Linux and Open Source make the impossible possible in education." http://slashdot.org/features/00/03/03/033231.shtml o http://www.beaconschool.org/

FreeBSD Toppick
FreeBSD is an advanced BSD UNIX operating system for "PC-compatible" computers, developed and maintained by a large team of individuals. http://www.freebsd.org/

Apache HTTP Server Project
The Apache Project is a collaborative software development effort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful, and freely-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web) server. The project is jointly managed by a group of volunteers located around the world, using the Internet and the Web to communicate, plan, and develop the server and its related documentation. These volunteers are known as the Apache Group. In addition, hundreds of users have contributed ideas, code, and documentation to the project. http://www.apache.org/

Samba is an open source software suite that provides seamless file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients. (e.g. Microsoft Windows).

Samba is a suite of Unix applications that speak the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol. Many operating systems, including Windows and OS/2, use SMB to perform client-server networking. By supporting this protocol, Samba allows Unix servers to get in on the action, communicating with the same networking protocol as Microsoft Windows products. Thus, a Samba-enabled Unix machine can masquerade as a server on your Microsoft network and offer the following services:


A source for different versions of Linux, Applications, Books, etc. http://www.cheapbytes.com/

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General Network Resources

L0pht Heavy Industries:
Security-alert service. The NT IT community has embraced L0phtCrack as the password auditing tool of choice. http://www.l0pht.com/

Nomad Mobile Research Centre:
"What is the goal of NMRC? To continue the search for bugs and holes in commercial networking software, to make these large companies fix the crap they give us, and to build and provide solutions that offer alternatives to these solutions. All of NMRC's hack and cracks will bring forth the idea that you cannot secure a system for long -- sooner or later someone will find a way around the obstacle. And we find that between the U.S. Government's demands that they can monitor its citizens, the lack of security in most government systems, and the lack of true security in most commercial software solutions, NMRC will be very very busy for years to come." http://www.nmrc.org/

Cult of the Dead Cow:
Security-alert service. Makers of "Back Orifice." http://www.cultdeadcow.com/

King of the Network Operating Systems
An in-depth look at four of the major NOSes on the market:
Microsoft's Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Novell's NetWare 5.1, Red Hat Software's Linux 6.1 and The Santa Cruz Operation's (SCO) UnixWare 7.1.1. cnn.com http://www.nwfusion.com/reviews/2000/0124rev.html

NOSUser at ZDNet.com
Novell IntranetWare and Windows NT Server 4.0 both offer powerful services for network administrators. PC Magazine tests each to help you make a decision. Contains links to Network Operating System reviews and downloads. http://www.zdnet.com/products/nosuser.html

"Tech news, information, chat, peer interaction, reviews, jobs, training and certification, study guides plus our over 200 discussion forums.."   http://www.brainbuzz.com/

3Com Home Page:

The Network Community: Small Networks Part 2:

Intel Support:

CyberState University's Interesting Links:

Cisco Connection Online:
Producers of High-End Routers, WAN Switches, LAN Switches, Hubs, Access Products, Internet Appliances/Software, InterWorks for SNA, Cisco IOS Software, Network Management Software. http://www.cisco.com/

Bay Networks:
Makers of hubs, switches and routers. http://www.baynetworks.com/

Network Computing Magazine
UnixWorld, Network Design Manual, Interactive Buyer's Guide, Real-World Labs, Learn IT, Careers, Technology Guides. http://www.networkcomputing.com/

Network Magazine Online
The popular magazine posts the full contents of their current and back issues online. PR News and tutorials on a range of products and information to keep your company�s network up-to date round out the site. http://www.networkmagazine.com/

NetworkWorld Fusion
Daily News, Reviews, Buyer's Guides, Technology Primers, etc. http://www.nwfusion.com/

Unix, Internet, Security. Unix & Security DB. http://www.netsys.com/

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TCP/IP Resources

Daryl's TCP/IP Primer
This document is designed to give the reader a reasonable working knowledge of TCP/IP subnetting, addressing, and routing.
Covers: Intro to Ethernet / The Bottom of the OSI Model / Why is IP so much more difficult than IPX? / IP Addresses, Subnet Masks, and Subnetting / Subnetting, Bit by Bit / Routing and Static Routes / Troubleshooting / TCP and UDP Communication / Network Address Translation (NAT) / The Domain Name System (DNS) / Tips for Building an IP LAN / WAN Connectivity
http://ipprimer.windsorcs.com/ or http://ipprimer.2ndlevel.net/

Introduction to TCP/IP:
Discusses the beginnings of TCP/IP and how it has evolved into what we use today and. http://pclt.cis.yale.edu/pclt/COMM/TCPIP.HTM

Understanding IP Addressing: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know by Chuck Semeria
"This technical paper discusses all aspects of IP addressing including classful addressing, subnet masks, variable length subnet masks (VLSM), and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR). With detailed explanations and many practice exercises for the reader, this article clarifies a number of complex issues that remain confusing to many experienced network managers. The article concludes with an extensive bibliography of Internet addressing issues and resources. This in-depth technical paper will be of interest to professionals involved in IP networking, particularly those managing or seeking Internet IP address space for their organizations." http://www.3com.com/nsc/501302s.html

Introduction to the Internet Protocols
This is an introduction to the Internet networking protocols (TCP/IP). It includes a summary of the facilities available and brief descriptions of the major protocols in the family. http://oac3.hsc.uth.tmc.edu/staff/snewton/tcp-tutorial/

IP 101: All About IP Addresses by Chris Lewis
"The key to understanding IP, and all of the issues related to IP, is knowing what a routing table looks like and the effects each IP topic has on the entries in a routing table." http://www.networkcomputing.com/netdesign/ip101.html

Subnetting by Peter O.
"I have a way of finding the subnet mask, in an efficient manner and also is 100% accurate." http://www.internexis.com/mcp/article_10-06-98.htm

Supernetting by Jim Budrakey
"Supernetting is a way to combine several Class C networks into a "super" network with more than 254 but less than 65534 host addresses (See RFC1338 for the gory details)." http://www.internexis.com/mcp/article_9-30-98.htm

Interactive Router-Simulated Training. http://www.routersim.com/

IP Subnet Calculator
It's free. Five different ways to enter subnet information: by number of subnet bits, number of total mask bits, number of subnets, number of hosts, or just the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation. http://www.net3group.com/ipcalc.asp

EG 3561 Communications Engineering by Godred Fairhurst
Godred Fairhurst is a Lecturer in Communications in the Department of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom.
See INet-Pages for a list of reference documents which include: ARP, DNS, ICMP, etc.
Slides and tutorials are also available. http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/users/gorry/course/

Boson Software, Inc.
Makers of practice tests and study software to help you get certified.
Boson Software Study Guide Central: Router Command Summary, TCP/IP Subnetting Summary, etc. http://www.boson.com/

Cisco Router Configuration Tutorial by Josh Gentry
Covers basic Cisco router IP configuration using the command-line interface. http://www.swcp.com/~jgentry/topo/cisco.htm

For Cisco Internetworking Experts. News, Q & A, Reviews, Salary surveys. http://TCPmag.com/

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Shields Up! by Gibson Research Corp. Toppick
"Without your knowledge or explicit permission, the Windows networking technology which connects your computer to the Internet may be offering some or all of your computer's data to the entire world at this very moment!"
Shields UP! quickly checks the SECURITY of YOUR computer's connection to the Internet. http://www.grc.com/

Security Scan your computer. Covers more test than Shields Up. Links to Security news on the Net. http://hackerwhacker.com/

Sniffer Technologies by Network Associates, Inc.
Sniffer is an advanced set of network monitoring, analysis, reporting and capacity planning tools. http://www.sniffer.com/

EtherPeek by AG Group, Inc.
EtherPeek is a network monitoring, analysis, and reporting tool. Simular to Sniffer.
Check out this review by PC Week, EtherPeek finds its way to the top of the heap. http://www.aggroup.com/

Carnivore: E-mail Surveillance System

Sam Spade
Sam Spade is an integrated network query tool for Windows 9x, NT, & 2000. It's freeware.
Tools: ping, nslookup, whois, IP block whois, dig, traceroute, finger, SMTP VRFY, web browser, keep-alive, DNS zone transfer, SMTP relay check, Usenet cancel check, website download, website search, email header analysis, Email blacklist query, Abuse address query, S-Lang scripting, Time. http://samspade.org/ssw/

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Broadband transmission is a type of data transmission in which a single medium (wire) can carry several channels at once. Cable TV, for example, uses broadband transmission. In contrast, baseband transmission allows only one signal at a time.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a technology for bringing high-bandwidth information to homes and small businesses over ordinary copper telephone lines. A DSL line can carry both data and voice signals and the data part of the line is continuously connected.

DSLreports.com Toppick
DSLreports.com provides information on DSL availability, and general residential and small business BroadBand information, and customer experiance reports and tips. http://www.dslreports.com/

How Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs) Work by Marshall Brain for HowStuffWorks.com toppick
"...Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connection -- a very high-speed connection using the same wires as a regular telephone line. In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we explain how a DSL connection manages to squeeze more information through a standard telephone line -- and lets you make regular telephone calls at the same time!" http://www.howstuffworks.com/dsl.htm

DSL Guide

DSL vs. The World by ZDnet.com
Describes DSL and the DSL technology in close to layperson terms. Has some good diagrams that show how the technology works, from the DSL "modem" to the telephone company's DSLAM at the Central Office. http://www.zdnet.com/pccomp/features/excl0198/dsl/adsl.html

Bandwidth Meter by 2Wire.com

DSL Prime
DSL info for consumers & the industry. Free weekly email news. http://www.dslprime.com/

PPPoE: (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet)
PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) was designed to bring the security and metering benefits of PPP to Ethernet connections such as DSL. http://www.vicomsoft.com/knowledge/reference/PPPoE.html

RASPPPoE toppick
This is a Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet (short: PPPoE) implementation for Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000. PPPoE as a method for establishing PPP connections through Ethernet adapters is described in RFC 2516 and is used by many broadband service providers to allow authentication and maintain the familiar "dial-up experience" when connecting to the Internet through a broadband modem. Note, however, that not all broadband service providers use PPPoE. For Verizon, use RASPPPoE instead of WinPoet after registration. http://www.user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~normanb/

How to make DSL work properly: by Thomas C Greene in Washington for The Register
"Our "always-on" connection frequently tanked, requiring us to reconnect on a regular schedule. And even while it was up, after a brief time it would inevitably hang for up to three minutes in a suspended state which we, and the notoriously-inept Verizon technical support team, were at a loss to explain."
"Salvation came only when we nuked WinPoET and installed a freeware PPPoE package called RasPPPoE by Robert Schlabbach, which does not require VPN support." http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/archive/16380.html

AnalogX Proxy
"Do you have several machines on a network, but only one connection to the internet? Wish you could browse the net from the other machines, just like you can from the machine that's connected? Then what you're looking for is called a Proxy Server, and AnalogX has just what you want. AnalogX Proxy is a small and simple server that allows any other machine on your local network to route it's requests through a central machine." http://analogx.com/

Bandwidth Place is an online marketplace that specializes in bringing together buyers and sellers of broadband Internet access. Also has, Broadband News, DSL FAQs, DSL Forum, Tutorials & Guides, Links, Bandwidth Speed Test, etc. http://www.bandwidthplace.com/

Broadband Report by Scot Finnie, Winmag.com
Everything you need to know about getting and using broadband Internet access. http://www.winmag.com/columns/broadband/

Broadband Wireless Exchange Online Magazine

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PSIRT (Product Security Incident Response Team) advisories
Cisco Security Advisories http://www.cisco.com/go/psirt/

Cisco Product Security Incident Response
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering to receive security information from Cisco. This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security notices. http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/707/sec_incident_response.shtml

Technical Tips

Remote User Gains Unimpeded Access to Management Features
"Recently discovered security vulnerability exposes privileged management features to anyone with a browser. BugNet's testing partner, KeyLabs, helped us verify the vulnerability and also the recently released patch.

The scope of this security lapse affects almost all Cisco routers and switches. And given the ease with which anyone with a browser can bypass normal authentication processes, this is a devastating hole that should be plugged immediately. The affected systems include virtually all Cisco network devices running IOS 11.3 or above. One other stipulation for this vulnerability is that the device must also have HTTP server and local authorization enabled.

HTTP server allows device managers to modify and change router settings via a browser. Typically these routers require user authentication before granting assess to the device controls. However, Cisco discovered that with a specially constructed URL in the browser address field, anyone could bypass this authentication process and gain complete access to all router management functions." [ BugNet Alert 6/29/2001].

See: Cisco Security Advisory: IOS HTTP Authorization Vulnerability http://www.bugnet.com/alerts/ba010629b1.html

White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide
This white paper was written by Mack M. Coulibaly, Cisco IOS Serviceability Program Manager, and includes all the information you need to know about Cisco IOS software:
  • Cisco IOS release process
  • Release naming convention
  • Software maintenance numbering convention
  • Relationship between various Cisco IOS releases
Cisco IOS software enables networking solutions with support for the most comprehensive set of industry-leading features that provide the intelligence of the Internet. Cisco IOS software is a broad and cohesive internetworking operating system that offers a scalable migration path for data, voice, and video, with unmatched security, protocols and network management integrated services. Cisco IOS network services deliver the best breed of functionality around scalable Internetworks that support new, leading-edge Internet applications. http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/620/1.html

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Wireless Networking

Software to configure the Apple AirPort Base Station. http://freebase.sourceforge.net/

Apple AirPort
AirPort is the wireless networking technology that lets you get on the Internet from anywhere in your home, school or office -- without cables, additional phone lines, or complicated networking hardware. And AirPort has a data rate of up to 11 megabits per second (Mbps), AirPort enables high-speed wireless communications within a radius of approximately 150 feet from a base station. IEEE 802.11b compliant. http://www.apple.com/airport/

IEEE 802.11b Working Group

Short Tutorial on Wireless LANs and IEEE 802.11

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