
Words: Poetry, Quotations, Sayings, Speeches

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I am a child -- look at my face.
Can you see the whole human race?
My clothes may be plain, my hair a bit frilled...
This is no reason for your heart to be chilled.
Spread love and peace throughout the nation.
With these two things we can rock this earth's foundation.
I am a child who learns each day,
so spread a little love as you pass my way.
Old prejudice and hate, I do not know --
all of this I'm taught, as I grow.
I only learn what I am taught, and see --
so please do a good job on me.
Guide me, so that I may grow,
teach me, so that I will know!

by Abdul Shabazz (a.k.a. Andre Gardiner)

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Afrikan Healing Heart

Copyright � 1993 sufia giza

Red, Black and Green.
What do the colors mean?
Red is the blood my people have shed.
Black is the color of our skin.
Green was the land we once lived in.
Red is the passion. Black is the mystery.
Green is the money (too).
Red is the purity. Black is the pain.
Green is the glory (new).
Red is the fire. Black is the beauty.
Green is the wealth (for me and you).
The Gold once stolen is now returned. . .
healing the

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Measure of a Man
author unknown

The measure of a man is not
determined by his show of outward
strength or the volume of his voice,
or the thunder of his action.

It is to be seen, rather, in terms of
the nature and depth of his commitments,
the genuineness of his friendships, the sincerity
of his purpose, the quiet courage of his convictions,
his capacity to suffer and his willingness to continue
"growing up".

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The African Pledge

We will remember the humanity, glory and sufferings of our ancestors, and honor the struggle of our elders;
We will strive to bring new values, and new life to our people;
We will have peace and harmony among us.
We will be loving, sharing and creative.
We will work, study, and listen, so we may learn; learn so we may teach.
We will cultivate self-reliance.
We will struggle to resurrect and unify our homeland;
We will raise many children for our nation;
We will have discipline, patience, devotion, and courage;
We will live as models, to provide new direction for our people;
We will be free and self-determining;
We are African people...
We will win!!!

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Am I Black Enough For You?

Copyright � 1997 C. N. Crump

Being Black is not signified by the clothes you wear or the food you eat.

Nor is it signified by the texture of ones hair.

Being Black is not signified by what you have or what you own.

It's about knowing who you are and where you came from.

Being Black is a state of mind and knowledge is the key.

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Miscellaneous Sayings and Quotes

"The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them - words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller, but for want of an understanding ear."

-- Stephen King

Jamaica: fragment of bomb-blast, catastrophe of geological history (volcano, middle passage, slavery, plantation, colony, neo-colony) has somehow miraculously -- some say triumphantly -- survived. How we did it is still a mystery and perhaps it should remain so. But at least we can say this: that the secret and expression of that survival lies glittering and vibrating in our music.

-- Edward Kamau Brathwaite (Reggae Bloodlines, p. 9)

The dance that replaced rock-steady, around 1968, was called "reggae." Again, no one knows for certain where that word comes from. Some trace it to the Jamaican dialect word for raggedness. The word appears first on a 1967 dance record by the Maytals called "Do the Reggay." I once asked Toots Hibbert, lead singer of the Maytals and composer of "Do the Reggay," to tell me what the word meant, and his answer is as satisfactory a definition of reggae as you're likely to get: "Reggae means comin' from the people, y'know? Like a everyday thing. Like from the ghetto. From majority. Everyday thing that people use like food, we just put music to it and make a dance out of it. Reggae mean regular people who are suffering, and don't have what they want." The reggae sound was even slightly slower than rock-steady and much more powerful due to the emphasis of the bass as the principal melodic drive of most songs. Social, political, and spiritual concepts entered the lyrics more and more, until the reggae musicians became Jamaica's prophets, social commentators, and shamans.

-- Stephen Davis (Reggae Bloodlines, p. 17)

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