[ProgressiveEd] What is to be done?

sid massey [email protected]
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 10:30:51 -0500

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Dear one and all,
It's Saturday morning. What's to be done?  Here's my thinking.
- I've been reading everyone's e-mails, but frankly it's not rocket =
- Bruce has to get a fix on what Mr. Klein feels is a reasonably-sized =
delegation, trying to push to boundary a bit if necessary.  My sense is =
around 6-10 folks is effective.
- Of course the group will be inclusive, that's what we value.
- It should respect, ethnicity, race, language, parent, staff, age, =
- it should pre-meet or have a virtual conference inorder to be =
- I feel the rally should go on as a way of keeping the issue public and =
the public active.  We should make this an opportunity to rally, leaflet =
and deliver petitions, books, student work, family letters, etc.
- All of our work has made this meeting possible.
- Last Tuesday's public meeting showed the face of the small schools in =
a public way.  We should underestimate the effect the turnout and the =
tenor of parent speakers had on Mr. Klein.
- I received thoughtful responses from him since Tuesday.  I asked that =
he trust us, that he adopt the stance, "What can I do for your =
communities, how can I help."  He replied that he too valued the =
importance of building "comminites of trust".  I wrote back asking why =
he begged the question, advising him never to trust those who quote test =
scores (e.g. Bush in Texas) and also suggesting that a course of action =
that includes establishing progressive, small school networks within the =
regions, headed up by like-minded instructinal leaders would benefit us, =
our regional sup't and HIS REFORM efforts by providing him the =
opportunity to expand the lens thru which he assessed and held school =
accountable.  Furthermore such a formation would increse the amount of =
'successful' school within a year.  His reply acknowledged that he need =
to widen his lens.  On the issue of trust he admitted that he had =
sidfestepped the issue but that based on the "thoughful" way that I =
raised issues, he expressed that didn't see why he shouldn't extend us =
his trust.   He asked to keep up the flow of ideas.
- So he is an e-mail man.  Folks should continue to write focusing on =
the three 'bulleted' goals of PENNY - SCHOOL STATUS - NETWORKS - =
- We will need to decide quickly who will represent us at the meeting.  =
If is is soon and Ii the rally is a go, perhaps the steering committee =
can meet afterwards.  If we have time then a Steering Committee meeting =
time at Ann's place (of course) should be set and announced a.s.a.p.  =
allowing folks to weigh in on suggestions for the delegation or to come =
to the meeting.
Keep on chatting.
Sid Massey
River East
  ProgressiveEd mailing list
  [email protected]
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>
<DIV>Dear one and all,</DIV>
<DIV>It's Saturday morning. What's to be done?&nbsp; Here's my =
<DIV>- I've been reading everyone's e-mails, but frankly it's not rocket =
<DIV>- Bruce has to get a fix on what Mr. Klein feels is a =
delegation, trying to push to boundary a bit if necessary.&nbsp; =
is&nbsp;around 6-10 folks is effective.</DIV>
<DIV>- Of course the group&nbsp;will be inclusive, that's what we =
<DIV>- It should respect, ethnicity, race, language, parent, staff, age, =
<DIV>- it should pre-meet or have a virtual conference inorder to be=20
<DIV>- I feel the rally should go on as a way of keeping the issue =
public and=20
the public active.&nbsp; We should make this an opportunity to rally, =
and deliver petitions, books, student work, family letters, etc.</DIV>
<DIV>- All of our work has&nbsp;made this meeting possible.</DIV>
<DIV>- Last Tuesday's public meeting&nbsp;showed the face&nbsp;of the =
schools in a public way.&nbsp; We should underestimate the effect=20
the&nbsp;turnout and the tenor of parent speakers had on Mr. =
<DIV>- I received thoughtful responses from him since Tuesday.&nbsp; I =
that he trust us, that he adopt the stance, "What can I do for your =
how can I help."&nbsp; He replied that he too valued the importance of =
"comminites of trust".&nbsp; I wrote back asking why he begged the =
advising him never to trust those who quote test scores (e.g. Bush in=20
Texas)&nbsp;and also suggesting that a course of action that includes=20
establishing progressive, small school networks within the regions, =
headed up by=20
like-minded instructinal leaders would benefit us, our regional sup't =
and HIS=20
REFORM efforts by providing him the opportunity to expand the lens thru =
which he=20
assessed and held school accountable.&nbsp; Furthermore such a formation =
would&nbsp;increse the amount of 'successful' school within a=20
year.&nbsp;&nbsp;His reply acknowledged that he need to widen his =
lens.&nbsp; On=20
the issue of trust he admitted that he had sidfestepped the issue but =
that based=20
on the "thoughful" way that I raised issues, he expressed that didn't =
see why he=20
shouldn't extend us his trust.&nbsp;&nbsp; He asked to keep up the flow =
<DIV>- So he is an e-mail man.&nbsp; Folks should continue to write =
focusing on=20
the three 'bulleted' goals of PENNY - SCHOOL STATUS - NETWORKS - =
<DIV>- We will need to decide quickly who will represent us at the=20
meeting.&nbsp; If is is soon and Ii the rally is a go, perhaps the =
committee can meet afterwards.&nbsp; If we have time then a Steering =
meeting time at Ann's place (of course) should be set and announced=20
a.s.a.p.&nbsp; allowing folks to weigh in on suggestions for the =
delegation or=20
to come to the meeting.</DIV>
<DIV>Keep on chatting.</DIV>
<DIV>Sid Massey</DIV>
<DIV>River East</DIV>
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