City-As-School offers students the adventure of pursuing their education outside the confines of the classroom. At our community resources, CAS students pursue personalized educational goals via academically-based internship experiences in the field. Whether it's becoming a museum curator, a fashion designer, a fine-arts commercial photographer, a boat builder or a young person interested in building personal bridges to the elderly in our neighborhoods, CAS students are actively involved in the city's pulse. If you're interested in politics, we can place you with the Comptroller or Public Advocate. If it's the music industry, we have recording studios and record labels such as Arista and Roc-A-Fella. Are you interested in law? Sit on the bench with a judge or work in an attorney's office. Why not learn about veterinary science at the Animal Medical Center, or the Web at a leading Flash/Dreamweaver training center? Hands-on learning in one of the world's cultural and business capitals truly is an adventure. Create your own education at City-As-School!