Higher Standards
Student Authorship
College & Career
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NY State Education Department
NYC Board of Education
Alternative Superintendency
Learning/New York Times
Lower East Side Prep.H.S
Chinese Culture Club



     The LESP Newsnet is designed to provide information which students need in the areas of higher standards, academic studies, graduation and services available to our students. The accomplishment of this website can also serve as an example of a way of learning for students: learning from hands-on activities. Students should be able to interact with others and challenge the ideas presented in the essays published online. This website should grow with students and become a home center where students share infomation, discuss issues or topics on learning.


     This website is divided into 4 main sections: Higher Standards, Student Authorship, College and Career, and About this project. There are five members in the team, three students are Section Editors, responsible for article selection in the first three sections. One student is Graphic Designer and one student is Site Editor, responsible to build the whole structure of the site. In the beginning we made sure everyone understood his/her responsibilities. We set up schedule for each task. Team met twice a week to discuss our work. Our deadine for this website was April 15, so that we had 2 weeks for proofreading and getting other opinions before we finalized the website.


     Cooperation is important for success. We learned how to work together with different opinions and that no one in the team has authority to others. Decision should be made by all members of our team. As new comers to this country, our English is limited. But during this project, we spent a lot of time on researching information and making article selection. We worked a lot to overcome different barriers and best of all, we improved our English.
     We had several difficulties as we were building the site: 1. Frames vs tables. We studied and compared other online newspapers, both commercial and high schools'. We decided to use just tables. It is more professional and challenging. 2. Feedback box. We feel that this feature is very important in terms of interaction. Even though we had hard time to set it up, we eventually added feedback. 3. Flash. We think that high school students are still looking for excitement from a site. A flash will attract the curiosity of the students, who tend to have more interest when they see something moving.




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